Every Day Writing Challenge!
We are issuing all of our readers the Every Day Challenge. I get emails and talk to young writers all the time who have never submitted their work for consideration to be published. I talk to veteran writers who have stopped trying to publish their work, or who have lost the will to write and publish. In order to the keep the world of writing alive and well we all need to keep publishing and keep trying. So we are issuing a new challenge to writers. We are challenging you to submit 1 piece of your writing to at least 1 publisher every day.
This means you find a literary magazine and you submit your work each day. The more you submit your work the healthier the publishing world.
We also want to hear from you about your experiences in submissions and publishing. Sign up for our boards here, and then tell us where you sent your work, tells us about your rejections and your publications.
So make 1 submission a day, and tell us about it. We will all share in our triumphs. You can also tweet your progress to twitter.com/everywriter.
If you are new and need help, just ask questions here. I’ll answer the questions.
The second part of the challenge is to tell others about it, and get them to also publish their work. This way we are all working together.
You can find our list of literary magazine sites here. So it’s easy:
- Find literary markets
- Submit your work
- Tell others
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