171 thoughts on “Every Writer Halloween 50 Word Scary Story Contest!

  1. Agatha’s Descent

    I gripped the ax against my chest and peered around the wall. She wasn’t there. Slowly I crept along, my heart pounding in my ears; she could hear it too. A floorboard creaked, I spun around. Nobody. Trembling viciously, I looked up. A dark figure descended upon me. Agatha, babe.

  2. The Itch-Rip Skin Condition

    Why does it keep itching? I scratched until the red stuff poured out, then I scratched all the way to hard white stuff. When will it stop? I’ll keep scratching and digging until it’s over. I need to pull away this soft warm stuff, but dang, it’s stuck tight.

  3. Murder or Suicide?

    I am running hard. Someone’s chasing me. My lungs burn and legs give away. I pull myself up, glancing behind, curious to know my killer. I see me; standing poised with a wicked grin, a slit throat and a knife raised, ready to plunge into my heart.

  4. Feed

    The village is in flames.

    Men, women, and children scream as they burn.

    I watch from the pines.

    As only a few make it through.

    They crawl out from the fire.

    Like little lame lambs.

    I feel the hunger rise.

    It is time to make my move.

  5. He sat at his desk. The phone rang. A familiar voice.

    “You were cheating.”

    His dead wife’s picture appeared on his desktop.

    “I was dying in a ditch. Clawing for my phone. You didn’t answer.”

    The image shifted to him from behind. She stood there, too. Wielding a knife.

  6. The trembling girl presses her face into my chest.
    “Daddy, kill the monsters, kill ‘em!”
    The face in the closet is terrified. “Don’t kill me Daddy.”
    The one under the bed curls in a foetal position, sobbing.
    I couldn’t save – the original.
    She begged. “Kill me Daddy!”
    I couldn’t.

  7. Stop the Pain.

    His stomach gurgled. The pain was wretched. The chemotherapy drug was destroying his body. Painkillers did little to help. If he stopped the drug, the cancer would kill him. The loaded gun on the nightstand lured him. His hand inched towards it.

  8. She looked over each shoulder, seeing nothing but blinding sunlight. Desert sands stretched out forever. Yet, someone was with her, pushing her down. She screamed. Running again, she was pushed again and again. It stopped only when she died of thirst. Then she had to push someone else to death.

  9. Peace and Comfort

    Ani walks to the old temple to seek peace and comfort. When she arrives she says her prayers with an unseen audience of one next to her. Soon the unseen one fills Ani’s head, and makes itself at home. So much for finding peace and comfort.

  10. Douching the Fire

    The campfire was out of control. I reached for what I thought was the water can and poured in the fire’s direction. What I didn’t realize was that I grabbed the gasoline can. Next thing I knew, I was flying through the air.

  11. Evil Dentist

    Whimsical images flash through my mind as I wait for sleep to overtake me only to be interrupted by the deafening crunches of the bones in my mouth.

  12. Shark

    The ocean water

    oh so blue and clear…but

    when she peers down into

    the salty sea

    the last thing she’d see

    are those black, doll eyes

  13. BBQ

    The patties sizzled in the flames as the crowd eagerly waits; he wonders if they’ll notice his missing wife.

  14. The Hunt

    Two girls running through the dark woods not as friends but as a predator chasing her prey.

  15. Into the shadowy wood she runs on gloomiest night of nights.

    Lady-Hag, why tread you alone?

    “Must reach it before too late.”

    Greedy branches slap her face—this one, James, her son. Suppurating leaves underfoot, her dead deformed daughter.

    Disdaining them, Lady-Hag departs into the closed casket, dead.

  16. The embalmer wore an expression of respectful acknowledgement.

    “They are beyond pain now,” he spoke softly, regretfully.

    My hands secured as they were to a swivel hook in the ceiling, he spun me round to look upon his painted dead.

    “You, however,” he intoned, knife glistening, “are quite another matter,”

  17. A drip, drip, drip in the bathroom woke me. I hung my arm down and felt Rex’s warm tongue lick my hand. I smiled and stood up to fix the faucet. There I saw Rex, hung by the neck, blood falling to the floor in a steady drip, drip, drip.

  18. The caller ID showed my husband’s cell number. “Hi honey, I’ve had an accident.”
    “Are you alright?” I asked.
    “I’m okay just cold. I’m at marker 86 on highway F. Call the police.”
    I was calling the police when I noticed his cell phone on the kitchen table.

  19. The Zombie Overlord rasping proclaimed, “Bring out your humans!”
    The last of mankind now hunted down and dragged from their hiding places; all manacled and chained, force marched away.
    Zombies, relentlessly, shoved the terrified humans through barbed wire gates, into pens to meet their end at the man-made meatpacking slaughterhouse.

  20. A rustling noise interrupted my sleep.
    “I’m not a spirit, nor a demon” His voice swept over me like a spring breeze and thundered into my senses.
    Am I asleep am I dreaming? How long has he been around?.
    “Eternity,” he said as an echo from a cavern.

  21. I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying these stories! This contest equals between 1-3 months of ads on our site, depending how you use your promotion. Our 500 word contest is 1 full year of promotions: https://www.everywritersresource.com/500-word-scary-story-contest-10000-promotions/

    If you have a 500 word scary story send it!

  22. At midnight, the minister drug his wife to the barn where the creature waited for its next meal. The minister promised a special gift for his son’s birthday. The boy did not recognize his own mother; she had been ashamed since his birth. Now, she knew why the congregation dwindled.

  23. I hate Halloween. I flee to my country house to avoid the trick-or-treat silliness. Yet, someone knocks at my door, wearing a witch costume, silent, grinning, with blackened teeth. I apologize, I have no candy. I reach to give her an apple and my hand goes right through hers.

  24. “Who’s there?”


    “But who are you?”

    “I’m me, we’re alone.”

    “Where are we?”

    “Dead, I think.”

    “I can’t see anything.”

    “I can’t see either.”

    “Are you sure we’re alone?”

    An ice cold hand, clawed like a tiger, took ahold of her hand as he said “We have each other.”

  25. The news says women are disappearing. I encounter a woman in my yard, reaching out to me, silently. Her horror-stricken face falls, then her hands, arms, and the rest of her, disintegrating into a puddle on the ground. I hear footsteps, then feel a hand on my shoulder.

  26. The Dream
    Voices mingle like low-frequency transmissions, the words unintelligible. Hushed movements are efficient, punctuated by the clink of metal. I’m paralyzed, cold, speech disabled. One voice punctures the white noise. “Dr. ___, chief forensic pathologist. Body is Caucasian female, approximate age 29, height 71 inches, weight 142 pounds. . . .”

  27. I opened my front door, and a strange cat entered and padded upstairs, sure-footed. For the past week, I and 30 years of memories have lived here. I followed the creature. It leaped onto the bed, settling confidently into Dave’s imprint, undisturbed since paramedics removed his body a week ago.

  28. Garden of Eatin’
    A shadow eclipsed the sun. Edie looked up from weeding, a chore she dispatched with savage vigor. An emaciated woman with fern-green eyes hovered, her clothing loose and dirt-encrusted.

    “Yes?” Edie snapped.



    Irritated, she stood. The last things she saw were bloody incisors and a leathery, fern-green tongue.

    1. Clever play on words in the title, and the last line produces a delightfully scary image.

  29. Eric truly had it all. He was everything Trish was looking for. Her perfect man. She knew that no other man would come close, and that no matter how hard she tried she would never find another as pristine. She was glad she had chosen poison for this one.

  30. I was ridding my place of everything my ex. I loved her so much, but somewhere, everything just started falling apart. So here I was, trying not to see red. It wasn’t my fault.
    I cleaned her bloody limbs, and went to the river.
    I had dumped my girlfriend indeed.

  31. “There is no sound more beautiful than a baby’s laughter, don’t you think, officer,”
    The foreign woman said, clicking her (way) too red nails on the counter.
    I gripped my gun tighter as her accent made a hissing sound over each consonant.

  32. “I noticed some strange new buds on that plant in the back yard,” Roberta gushed to her best friend Gloria. “You gotta come over and look.” Gloria found her friend’s head, eyes bulging in fright, next to her limbs and empty dress, the red-stained pods above her, fat and pulsing.

  33. About midnight there’s a scratching at the glass.
    I rouse, lift the sash, see something dark and soft as night.

    A pulsing creature bites my neck; the rough tongue laps my blood.
    I grab and throw; wings unfurl.

    Strength drained, I sleep, but wake again to lapping at my vein.

  34. Write a horrifying tale in 50 words? Can it be done?
    I grab my 50, shuffle the pile, and toss them across blank paper. Arranged, rearranged, they fail to frighten. Then the words unite without warning, surround me, drag me down. The stain of my fear oozes across the page.


    Tombstones surround me.
    The names unfamiliar.
    But I feel their presence,
    Damp and cold in my bones.

    Why am I here?
    A night in a cemetery;
    A Halloween dare.
    How foolish, I now think.

    Screams everywhere.
    They are coming for me.
    I run.
    “Catch me, if you can,” I say.

  36. The armchair was a bargain because its upholstery was stained. At home, the stain spread, a Rorschach blotting out fabric. I woke the night before returning it, covered in chill bumps. The bedclothes had been peeled away. I screamed, frozen, helpless against a moonlit stain creeping up the bed.

  37. “He’s so…cold now.”
    Lydia complained. Tom was never the romantic type.
    “Maybe a bubble bath will fix things,”
    I suggested.
    “I’ll try it out, I guess…”
    The next morning, she still looked down.
    “Did it work?”
    “The bath really warmed him up for a while… Then he became icy again.”

  38. Been drowned
    Water fills my lungs as I gasp for air. Just then, I see a pair of feet. I reach out and grab my chance of survival. Someone screams. I sigh. It’s been six years but I still forget. How I had so many spirits I became one myself.

  39. Hand in hand at the cliff edge. He always said together forever; now he was proving it.

    How could I have doubted him?

    He pushed me firmly, but did not follow. Despite the rush of air, my breathless descent, I heard him say,

    “Catch you later, darling,”

    But he didn’t.

    1. Can I add the title “Together Forever” please? Only just read the post about titles and that they are not included in the word count. Thank you.

  40. We were watching Psychic Kids when Tyler piped up.
    “Do you reckon they’re bluffing?”
    “ Dunno, some people can see ghosts, others can’t.”
    “Like how that guy’s standing behind you.”
    I whirled around. Nothing.
    “Wait…you’re psychic?”
    Ty laughed.
    “I was just messing with you. I’m not psychic. But you are.”

  41. Out the International Space Station window we see the invasion fleet coming. Should we tell Earth? They, we had no chance. It was hopeless. Humanity was about to go extinct. They were shooting down every ship humans had sent out. We’d be next, then the whole planet would be last.

  42. Rotting leaves under my broken fingernails. Moldy odors rising from the
    hole. I claw into the ground. Six feet deep? No! Traditional or not, that’s too

    The moon shines bright enough for this. Careful, now… I brush dirt away gently.

    My face looks up at me.

  43. A longer time with this one:
    First a little prick, then deeper
    Dribble, Dribble
    The blood comes in spurts
    Trickle, Trickle
    She tries to pull away, but then softens
    Gush, Gush
    Faster now, it seems harder to control
    Splash, Splash
    Drop her aside and go on to seek another

  44. Wrong Match

    Jane’s escape call came on time.
    This date wasn’t working out.
    Lewis knew it was a ruse. This happened to him before.
    “Why?” Lewis asked.
    “I’m sorry,” Alice said. “You’re not my type.”
    “Give me another chance.”
    “OK,” Alice said, knocking him out. “Maybe Jane likes 0 Negative.”

  45. It was just a random Tuesday. What could have happened? Every animal had disappeared over night. Every pet, every pest, every wild beast, every tame creature. They just were gone. The madness followed, we had needed the animals. We became monsters without them, killing each other, destroying everything on earth.


    I float up out of nowhere.
    Are my eyes open?
    I try to see. But cannot.

    Many voices.
    Hands touching, grabbing me.
    I try to move. But cannot.

    Now they are hurting me.
    I try to scream. But cannot.

    I find I am helpless.
    I try to cry. But cannot.

  47. The lights flickered out. I was in darkness, once again.

    “I want to stay with them… because they’re both very important to me…”

    His wish came true. He really did stay with them.

    There they were, three corpses in a row – his brother, him, his twin, holding one another’s hand.

  48. She reached to touch the red flowers.

    Poppies, they were. Stained with a vivid, unforgettable scarlet.

    Just as memorable as her father, as his content smile, his sleepy face.

    Even as she held a rusty garden shovel over his unwary head, poised to strike down.

    Even as the blood sprayed.

  49. “Why don’t you love me?”
    “You’re a monster!”

    “But aren’t mothers supposed to love their children?”
    “You are no child of mine.”

    “I know you loved the others more, so did I, they tasted delicious.”

  50. Gasp! I forgot, and I’m sorry I didn’t say this before. Please include a title, AND titles DO NOT count in the word count.


    Pure darkness. My chest tightening, heart racing. Sweating. Suffocating. Trapped.

    I was in a box.

    I screamed, only silence.

    My eyes would not open.

    A heard a strange voice whisper, “it’s time to leave”.

    The light appeared, the box opened. I was alive. I survived. I left him for good.

  52. >> Alive <<
    You couldn’t see anything, but the stench almost didn’t let you breathe.
    With teary eyes you felt narrow, wooden walls.
    Lying here alive had been your greatest fear, but…
    Your trembling hand touched the bloated body next to yours and you turned your head.
    The old woman smiled.

  53. “No handouts, no food stamps, work if you’re hungry.” She told beggar, speeding off in her convertible.

    Phone rang, showing; ‘Beelzebub calling.’


    “Bring water on your way.”

    She’d veered into an oncoming dump truck. Hit it head on. Her head came off.

    “You forgot to bring water.” Beelzebub said.

  54. (Title-not thankful)

    The stepmonsters and the demons-in-law are coming to Thanksgiving dinner.

  55. Darkness slithers around me as whispers of contempt explode in my head. “Kill him.” I slide the knife across his midsection. Crimson spills onto his milky white flesh, the deeper the cut, the deeper the desire. It’s then the mirror reflects the malevolent creature living inside of me.

    I saw a man
    Down my road at
    11:34 p.m he had
    All white hair and
    A white shirt with
    White pants he only
    Looked at the ground
    And he scared me so I
    Went inside and opened
    My window therefore it
    Was hot I turned around
    ‘Ahh’ it was…

  57. People have lost their minds on this thread and have been spamming some nonsense. Please don’t do that. We are picking stories for the magazine right now. If the ridiculous spamming continues, I will have to block ips. I am blacklisting some emails.

    Please take a look if you posted a serious story. In the flurry it may have been deleted. If so I’m very sorry. Also, we are picking from these stories for the magazine….

  58. Oh, it is of course ok to post as much as you want, but don’t mock the contest, or post ridiculous spam…thank you.


    “What are you doing?” I shriek in terror. The creature in front says, “Helping you see yourself.” It grins wickedly. A blinding pain shoots through me. I blink my eyes and realize that I am seeing myself lying on floor from a place that I can never return from.


    I pause the movie. The Ghost is about to stab the girl. I grab my water bottle. Terror has induced thirst. The water spills on my keyboard but turns crimson. “What’s this?” I cry. “Your blood from the future…” grins the Ghost extending its knife through the screen.

  61. The lady with half her body was somewhere in my house…alive. I could feel her presence. the lights went out. I sat on the bed drifting to sleep. I woke to see a lady with her whole body. I stood up only to realize that half my body was gone.

  62. The doll has been in this house for years. Nobody knows how it even got here. It creeps us all out. One day it would be on the shelf, the next day it would be in the basement. No one dared to touch it but it dared to touch us…

  63. “Did you open the front door?” I questioned my sister. “No, you closed it two minutes ago” she replied. We heard a loud noise behind us. “GRAB HER NOW!” screamed my sister. A man charged towards me and tied me up. I turned to see my sister holding a knife…

  64. I looked at the stairs where the blood was slowly dripping. Fourth time this week. I picked up the bucket full of water and started cleaning. An hour later I went to the living room and swept under the couch. There was someone there… dead…

  65. *thump*
    I hear his quick feet.
    I run to my room.
    He catches me.
    I feel nails in my stomach.
    I taste iron in my mouth.
    I see his malicious grin.
    Then, I see and feel nothing.
    No more running…
    No more hiding…

  66. Psychic
    We were watching Psychic Kids when Tyler piped up.
    “Do you reckon they’re bluffing?”
    “Dunno, some people can see ghosts, others can’t.”
    “Like how that guy’s standing behind you.”
    I whirled around. Nothing.
    “Wait…you’re psychic?”
    Ty laughed.
    “I was just messing with you. I’m not psychic. But you are.”

  67. I think she saw me today.
    She looked towards me before the shadows stole me away again. I’ll try harder tomorrow like I always do. Maybe then she’ll see me for who I really am.
    Maybe then I’ll be more than just that thing at the corner of her eye.

  68. There was someone in the house.

    Her heart spluttered alarmingly, sending a sharp shockwave of adrenalin to her brain. There. A creak on the stairs, a whisper of fabric against fabric, a harshly inhaled breath, and the thick atmospheric sense of another living being.

    There was someone in the house.

  69. “Pop, goes the weasel,” the little boy sang distantly. “Shush,” the teacher muttered. Where I saw but she couldn’t, his chubby fingers gripped his stuffed weasel. “Pop,” he breathed, and then squeezed. I stared, petrified. The weasel blinked before blood ran through his fingers to the linoleum floor.

  70. (((Title; Seriously?)))

    I hit send.

    Sending my precious baby out into the cruel world for judgement.

    Submitted my new short story.

    I worked so hard on it.

    I am so proud of it.

    I love it so much.

    Later the same day, I get the rejection letter for my baby.

    The End.

  71. I tried to breathe but it was too difficult
    I jump up out of my bed gasping for air and choking.
    I feel something cold touch my back
    I can’t move
    And then I hear “Shhhh”
    I tell my friends and im petrified
    The next night it’s back whatever it is
    It says “you should have been quiet”
    And then it…..

  72. It was their wedding day, a bad vibe jolted through her entire being. She suppressed a sigh. Her head started to spin wildly, the memory of his confession pained her. The affair with her sister; she cried out in agony as she realized; there in her hands rested his bloody heart.

  73. She ran barefoot soaked in blood through woods. A whacking sound came savagely behind her. She feels the air of the blade, suddenly falling to the ground. He stood above her with the bloody machete. Curdles of blood shot from her mouth, she hadn’t fallen, he sliced her in two.

  74. He sat next to her on the king size bed taking her hand in his. She wept of his affair with her sister. He turned to her just as she lunged on top of him plunging a kitchen knife into chest. She sliced viciously wanting his heart, for breaking hers.


    He stared curiously in her eyes, She gagged on her blood. After a few seconds He was frustrated; yanking her with handful of her hair dragging her forward to his cabin. She felt herself slipping away; she was glad. He picked her remains up tossing her in the blazing fire.

  76. (((Title: Lowest bid?)))

    Being Miss World 2210 got me on the first trip of the space elevator from Paris to the Lunar Colony.

    Its inventor and I, are now shooting up its tether.

    “I was afraid it’d never get built, finally we got the lowest bid from some unknown company. Don’t look down.”

  77. The dead arose once more from all the cemeteries of our world. Driven insane by the hunger pains for brains and eviscerated organs. Roaming city streets and country lanes, the truth soon sunk home, lamenting the living were all dead. Now, the only thing left was to devour each other.

  78. Mean-spirited

    “It’s so cool you’re psychic. What do you see?”
    “Well, there’s a ghost of a guy who died in the railway tracks over there, and a girl who hanged herself.”
    “What else?”
    “Oh, and a old lady ghost coming at us with a knife!”
    “Weird. I see her too.”

  79. I dumped my girlfriend

    I was ridding my place of everything my ex. I loved her so much, but somewhere, everything just started falling apart. So here I was, trying not to see red. It wasn’t my fault.
    I cleaned her bloody limbs, and went to the river.
    I had dumped my girlfriend indeed.

  80. The Ghost on the Moor

    Sam decided to take a walking tour/whiskey tour of the Scottish Highlands. A man dressed in black appears out of the fog. Sam screams echoes through the moors as the ghost lifts a large knife and cuts off Sam’s head yelling,
    “Are ye afraid of Ghosts now?”

  81. The wreckage….

    She slammed her fists at the window trying to break free.
    It was too late the creature lunged itself into the passenger seat.
    It was no use the bulletproof windows wouldn’t give way…. Silence, she took a deep sudden breath gasping when she felt the warmth of on her neck.

  82. 2 am. Supermarket.

    There was nobody near the register.



    “Hello?” I said again.

    I started walking out.

    “Guess this candy is free!” I shouted.

    The door didn’t move.

    I pulled, to no avail.

    I turned.

    Someone was coming down an aisle.

    With an ax.

    The lights went off.

  83. The alcohol was working faster than usual, and I was feeling it.

    The people seemed to be looking at me.

    They didn’t look happy, so I said,

    “Drinks on me!”

    They just nodded.

    When I woke up there were five straws sticking out of my chest,

    and five smiling customers.

  84. The hunter rises and enters the stillness of a midnight forest. Decaying leaves litter the trail, concealing the remnants of his season’s kill. Blood slick roots cause him to stumble into the carcass of a rotting buck. The flesh closes around him. When he awakens, the hunter becomes the hunted.


    “Mirror, Mirror…,” the mirror stood silent. “Why do you refuse to talk?” Madeline asked. Alas! It now spoke. “Come closer, look deeper.” It said smoothly – cunningly. Madeline cautiously moved in for a closer look. Then she sees it coming with fury, “Fairest of all!” It shrieked,…Death!


    Pleasure. I quietly watched as panic enveloped the petri little lives of insignificant colonies. Ones who sought to ridicule my very existence. The world is mine, and they’ll soon know…everything comes with a price. I am the beginning and the end…until then, they will suffer-they will wait.


    “It eats people. Poof! and they’re gone.” “Just like that?” “Just like that!” He replies. “You’re not serious?” She asks. “Go ahead, try it.” He urges. In the blink of an eye, there it sat. That curious looking hat, on the ground- her blood beneath. “Thank you sir.” It said.


    Winter air rushed in as the window slowly opened; then I felt his presence. He stood at my bedside, watching. My body quivered while he sniffed the air. Eyes shut, ‘Sleep, sleep, sleep,’ I repeated in my head. “Wide awake-” he said as his talons reached for the covers.

  89. The blind woman with black eyes read his tarot cards back to him. Upon the last card she whispered, “Avoid the man with yellow eyes for he is the devil.”
    The next morning, he made eye contact with himself in the mirror. A pair of yellow eyes stared back.

  90. China Doll
    I try to cry, but I can’t open my mouth. Instead I feel a cold hard, substance crawling its way up my arm. The darkness around me seems to inch closer, wrapping around me, pulling tighter until there is no escape and I let it swallow me whole.

  91. Shadow
    I shiver runs down my spine as I wake up from my nightmare. My eyes catch on something in the shadows. There staring back at me is my own reflection- a wicked smile tracing her lips. “What the hell” I whisper…I have no time to run as a knife comes plunging into my heart.

  92. Knife
    I watched as the people around me fled. All running as though that would save them. A wicked laugh escaped my lips as I plunged knifes into each and every one of them. They thought they could run, hide perhaps, well they were wrong. You cannot hide from darkness itself.

  93. The forest around me was too quiet until a voice, not from this realm spoke.
    “I told you to stay in the light. Well, let me show you something that will make darkness hide and shiver in fear”.

  94. Realm of Darkness

    The forest around me was too quiet until a voice, not from this realm spoke.
    “I told you to stay in the light. Well, let me show you something that will make darkness hide and shiver in fear”.

  95. Monsters
    I peered into the window of the bookshop.
    “Go on” Charlie dared me. I took a deep breath and stepped in through the door. I gasped. It’s like all the monsters from every story have crept their way out of their books… blood dripping from their claws… and each one was known staring at me.

  96. The little boy with cancer catches turtles from our rocks by the lake. To pay the doctors, the boy’s father sells the turtles shells. But forest, the dad removes the turtles bodies by dismembering them, then setting them in ant beds. Comic justice? Revenge? I can never figure it out.

  97. Out of Curiosity
    My friend and I passed an abandoned house, we heard weird noises, the door closed behind us, a cold dark smelly place, the door disappeared, my friend fell on the floor I screamed, suddenly a voice calling me, I opened my eyes. Thank God! It was just a nightmare.

  98. Who
    I’m smart for my age. Like, the other day I tried to talk about Poe with my friends. “Who?” I asked my teacher about it, but all I got was “Who?” Seriously. I even tried asking Mom.”Who?” she said, trembling. They must be scared of how smart I am.

  99. The Serial Killer
    Suddenly, a dark eyed face with stringy hair and bloodcurdling smile popped up on the other side of the window! It sent shivers down my spine; I jumped back. It ducked down as I tried calling help. I felt something touch my back. I turned around and there it was…

  100. ”Ruby Would Surely Get Hungry”

    I lay on the crinkled tarp. This would be an easy clean up for everyone, I thought. I slid the razors across my wrists and relaxed. On my final inhale I realized that I’d forgotten to put out the dog food. It would be a while before anyone found me.

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