This is the 2 Sentences of Horror Challenge game. You have a write a horror story using...
From EWR
News about our site.
This year we are running our 1000 word horror short story contest, and I have to say...
We’ve been reviewing some of the services provided by Issuu, and we are posting a few issues...
We need your help for an upcoming article here on EWR. We would like to hear from...
We will build a website for your book Have you written a book and want to promote...
Here are our top 10 reasons to join our boards
So in the past we have created mailing lists for our Book Publishers, Literary Magazines, Poetry, Short...
We need your art! We’ve been looking around our site, and it’s a little light on the...
Share these please, and let people know that they can win close to $1000 in ads on...
It's that time of year again....Right around this time every year, right when we all hope it...
Now, especially after a long, cold winter, we think writers might be looking for a way to...
Can you sleep soundly at night if you haven't written all the words you wanted to write...
Yep, you might have heard that Amtrak, the best and most outstanding passanger railway in the United...
The Self-Published Ebook Explosion was unthinkable just a few years ago. In 2007 when the first Kindle...
On display above is the literary wit of, our favorite 1800s author, Mark Twain. Twain is always...