Wow, this issue took a long time to put together. I wanted to do an issue all...
From EWR
News about our site.
Get Every Writer December 2013 FREE just for doing nothing! You don't have to sign up. We...
Have you been trying to publish your work? Have been rejected by editors? Maybe you just don’t...
We are now publishing Every Writer the Magazine. Each month we plan to send out a new...
Ok, for some time now I’ve been getting request for guest bloggers. People have been emailing and...
We are looking for editors of horror magazines! We want to do a roundtable of horror on...
You might have been redirected here from our old listing. We have redone this list and made...
Once you have decided to go with a blog, you have to decide if you want to...
EWR has a new submissions system. It answers the age old question of how to Submit a...
What, then, is the controlling purpose?
We are putting out a new request for ads on our site. We have very affordable ad...
Lately I’ve seen more and more literary readings, poetry and fiction, arriving in full fledged bars. I’m...
How to End a Letter by Lewis Carroll If doubtful whether to end with ‘yours faithfully’, or...
In 2011 we published Scott Dominic Carpenter's “The Birthday List” on EWR: Short Stories.
The novelist is he who, having seen life, and being so excited by it that he absolutely...