Here we have the Greatest Writing Prompt Contest. The contest is to find the Greatest writing prompt of all time. I hope that it creates a resource for people looking for writing prompts. I will get right to it. Winner of this contest will get 1 full year of free ads on our site. They will also get weekly tweets on our Twitter account and a bio page (if you want it) with links to books and sites on our site.
- This contest will run for 1 full year 2/21/19-2/21/20
- The writing prompt can be on any topic
- The writing prompt must be written in the comments
- The writing prompt must be original
- The writing prompt must be inspiring (meaning that it wants to make people write).
- The writing prompt will be decided by votes
- Good or bad votes count the same.
- No cheating
How to win
Unlike our contests in the past, this contest will be decided by voting. Each comment below has a star rating over them. It doesn’t matter if it is a one star or a 5 star vote, it still counts as a vote. So basically if you give a one start to a prompt because you hate it, it still gets a vote. ONLY VOTES COUNT.
Do not Cheat
Also do not cheat. Even though there may be times you can vote more than one time for a post, if this option comes up, if we see suspicious IP addressing banging into the vote button over and over, we will ban you and take down your entry.
So you can win 1 free year of ads and tweets on our site if you post your writing prompt below.
You have wonderful abilities for writing, and the content is rather engaging. You will receive a link to the website from me.