Welcome to our Greatest Quotes about Writing by Writers Contest! We are building this page to help writers. I personally love quotes about writing, and I find them very inspirational. Here we are running a contest for the secret quote. Yes, this contest does not take any skill. It just has to do with if you guess the super-secret quote we picked.
So here is how this works. We have blindly picked a quote from writing. This quote is from a famous person about writing. We are taking this quote and emailing it to ourselves, just in case no one believes us.
In the comments below please help us build a list of the best quotes from writers about writing. Just find quotes, clean up their formatting, and paste them into the comments. If you guess the quote we picked, you must be first person to pick the exact same famous quote…you win.
If you win and match the quote you get a year of free ads on our site. This means you can have your book cover in our sidebar linking to your site for a year! You also get free tweets, emails, and social medina promotions. We used to charge a 1000$ per month for this service. Now you will get 12 months just for winning this contest. 2nd place gets 1 month free.
We might pick an obscure quote or a really famous quote, it doesn’t matter, and basically you just have to be the first person to pick the quote. Also, 2nd place is if your quote gets the most votes.
This contest will go on for one year. We will from time to time update this page. Remember these writing quotes must be inspirational. They will be writers talking about writing.
Eventually this page will turn into our famous quotes page.
Contest rules:
Post a quote in the comment
The quote must be by an author or famous writer
The quote must be about writing
In order to win the grand prize you must post the quote we blindly picked and emailed to ourselves.
The first person to post any particular quote is the only one who gets credit.
You can post as many quotes as you want.
Post that gets the most votes gets second place.
Contest Deadline 2/26/20
1st prize one year of free promotions on our site in social networking (basically $12,000 in promotions)
2nd prize one month of promotions.
Ok, great, I hope you have fun, now post as many quotes as you want, but don’t repeat quotes anyone else as already quoted. Post your quotes below in a good format (if the format is just we will remove the quote), and make sure you only post ONE QUOTE PER COMMENT.
Good luck!
It seems the analysis of character is the highest human entertainment. And literature does it, like gossip, without mentioning real names. Isaac Bashevis Singer
We write to taste life twice , in the moment and in retrospect
“If I had not existed, someone else would have written me, Hemingway, Dostoyevsky, all of us.”
—William Faulkner
Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence.
–Alice Walker
The writing itself is painful, because images and feelings belong in the invisible world and have to be translated into words, which are part of the visible world. The writing itself is painful, but a worse pain comes from not writing.
– Gerald Murnane.
“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it.
That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”
― Octavia E. Butler
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
–Franz Kafka
The story of life begins in you. Make your own masterpiece. Life is changing like a music. Someone can STOP the PAIN and hoping to rewind the HAPPINESS. And now, tell it to them.
-Leovilin Nieto
“The best discovery the discoverer makes for himself. It has something unreal for his companion until he too has substantiated it. It seems as if the Deity dressed each soul which he sends into nature in certain virtues and powers not communicable to other men, and sending it to perform one more turn through the circle of beings, wrote, “Not transferable” and “Good for this trip only,” on these garments of the soul.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Working on turning the star ratings back on for these….
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It’s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that’s what the poet does.
— Allen Ginsberg,
“I turned silences and nights into words. What was unutterable, I wrote down. I made the whirling world stand still.” | Arthur Rimbaud
We’re fascinated by the words–but where we meet is in the silence behind them. Ram Dass
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story. Maya Angelou
Last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” — T.S. Eliot
What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others’ Pericles
All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.
Ernest Hemingway
The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”
—Stephen King
Hope! Thank you. That’s a lot of work. As long as you put 1 per comment, keep them coming.
When you write for a living and you can’t do anything else, you know that sooner or later that the deadline is going to come screaming down on you like a banshee. There’s no avoiding it…So one day you just don’t appear at the El Adobe bar anymore; you shut the door, paint the windows black, rent an electric typewriter and become the monster you always were – the writer.
–Hunter S. Thompson
The investment made in education yields one with a great profit ahead .
“Because people are constantly trying to find the right words to say to someone, they ignore something that is 100 times bigger than the exact words: they ignore the context.”
__Kevin Hogan
Life is unpredictable.
Hard Time will come always , controller is you only.
Control your heart and say , everything will be fine .
words have the power to move heaven earth and sometimes hell but only the actions with them move the people.
” If writing is easy you are doing it wrong ”
– Bryan Hutchinson
The more we invest, the more we get .
“Until 2019, we are strong and fearless for nothing, but now our nightmare and fear is a tiny, invisible, microscopic virus.” ~ Aishwarya Mary John.
Respect everyone, especially those who do not respect you.
Work hard to dare your dreams and challenge them for completing
Who says dreams doesn’t come true
They really do but with your efforts ☺️
Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should end in the reader’s. -Stephen King
As people are born without knowledge eventually, they die without knowledge. All the knowledge and information that people acquire during their lifetime is a bit of knowledge that they reach and they never reach absolute knowledge, because human life is not enough to reach absolute knowledge.