Halloween Movie Night With Every Writer
Welcome to our Halloween Movie Night. This is the 8th movie night we’ve done for Halloween. Tonight we will announce the winner of the Halloween Story Contest and the Horror Haiku contest. And we will be chatting with you.
The chat will be removed, but there is a transcript below. Kind of silly really. We had 600 people stop by in about 1:20 minutes, and 1 or 2 people chatted beside me. Next year we have topics and another horror editor….Happy Halloween.
admin [October 30, 2014 - 4:45 pm]: Hello, we will begin the movie in 15 minutes admin [October 30, 2014 - 4:52 pm]: New Every Writer will be out tomorrow! admin [October 30, 2014 - 4:55 pm]: 5 mins.... admin [October 30, 2014 - 4:59 pm]: And we are starting... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:00 pm]: You know we've tried for years to find a a way to broadcast these movie instead of using Youtube, and no one seems to know how... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:02 pm]: Price was the best voice over guy ever admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:05 pm]: We are 6 mins in... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:09 pm]: Hello admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:09 pm]: Lots of guests popping in and out admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:10 pm]: We are at 11 mins admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:11 pm]: We are talking about horror and watching House on Haunted HIll Welcome admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:12 pm]: We had about 300 entries to our horror contest this year admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:12 pm]: All were very good admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:12 pm]: Anyone here submit a story? admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:13 pm]: Every Halloween it's the same. In the last 10 minutes we've had over 100 visits to the page, but no one want to talk admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:13 pm]: Understandable I guess. admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:15 pm]: We will announce the winner in about 15 mins admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:15 pm]: hello everyone Guest_511 [October 30, 2014 - 5:15 pm]: Happy Halloween admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:16 pm]: Our new issue of Every Writer will be out tomorrow admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:16 pm]: Happy Halloween admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:16 pm]: We are at 17 mins on the movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:17 pm]: As I said before if anyone knows how to broadcast a movie so we can all watch at the same time, email me admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:17 pm]: Been looking for that for years admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:18 pm]: 8) admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:18 pm]: >:-D admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:18 pm]: ONe of our guest are being creative with their name... >:-D [October 30, 2014 - 5:18 pm]: I thought I would watch the movie with a costume admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:19 pm]: Haha, very good, I'm always a fan of a good costume admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:20 pm]: also got a lot of great horror Haikus admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:20 pm]: this is one of scariest parts of the movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:20 pm]: Did anyone here read our article on the 10 best horror story collections? admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:21 pm]: cthulhu got the cover of Every Writer the Magazine this month admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:23 pm]: Anyone believe Stephen King is a bad writer? admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:25 pm]: OOOOOoooo scary, love this movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:25 pm]: Horror Haiku winner coming up... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:30 pm]: Nicola Kean wins the Haiku contest this year. We loved this Haiku and thought it was very creepy: Baby’s cries wake her from the nursery next door. He was never born. admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:31 pm]: You'll see that Haiku in tomorrow's issue of Every Writer... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:31 pm]: Horror Story Contest Winner coming up in 4 mins admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:31 pm]: sorry, I know some of your are waiting admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:31 pm]: We are going to run another contest soon. admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:32 pm]: I was thinking of a Christmas poem contest....I don't think we'll get a lot of submissions, but was going to try it. admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:32 pm]: Vincent Price is great in this movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:32 pm]: He was so spooky without even trying admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:34 pm]: Man that actress can scream, she's so loud admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:34 pm]: 1 min to the contest winner admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:34 pm]: Usually wait until the end of the movie, but I don't really see a need admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:35 pm]: Ok..... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:36 pm]: The winner of the 2014 EWR: Horror Story Contest, and $1000 in ads and promotions on our site is... admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:36 pm]: Dana Schellings for the story Billy’s Room admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:37 pm]: It is a great little ironic story that we felt showed what monsters are made of admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:40 pm]: Every one enjoying the film? admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:40 pm]: Is Dana Schellings here? admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:41 pm]: Yep, I knew once I said who one, everyone would leave admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:42 pm]: The winner of the contest is in the chat session admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:42 pm]: scroll up and down, you'll see it, and remember to sign up to get Every Writer for free admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:42 pm]: That's 300 people this hour have come to this page, and no other chatters admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:43 pm]: Love the head on this movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 5:44 pm]: I'm watching this movie, chatting, and watching the first cavs game of the season Guest_985 [October 30, 2014 - 6:00 pm]: Oh no, I misunderstood the time of the movie. admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:01 pm]: That's ok we have issues with time here too admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:01 pm]: if you look at our clocks admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:02 pm]: We annonced the winner of the contest admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:02 pm]: Did you see it? Guest_985 [October 30, 2014 - 6:02 pm]: I do see, thank you. admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:02 pm]: We are at 102 on the time clock fo the movie Guest_985 [October 30, 2014 - 6:02 pm]: Okay, thanks. admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:03 pm]: really do love this movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:03 pm]: It has some very scary scenes in it admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: Every Writer the Magazine will be out tomorrow admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: all new issue admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: horror issue admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: anyone think they would submit to a christmas poem contest? admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: Is that a stupid idea? admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:04 pm]: You can tell me, really admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:05 pm]: 8) admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:06 pm]: What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Anyone? admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:06 pm]: My son is going as a gorilla admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:06 pm]: very fun costume admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:06 pm]: I think I'm going as an alien admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:07 pm]: Price just bought it admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:07 pm]: Usually we do an interview, but our horror editor backed out this year, and we didn't have time to find another admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:08 pm]: last year hello horror editor chatted with us admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:08 pm]: 5 minutes left admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:09 pm]: over 600 people have stopped by this page in the last hour and 9 mins admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:09 pm]: not bad this year at all admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:09 pm]: Happy Halloween everyone admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:09 pm]: awesome skeleton coming out of the muck admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:10 pm]: dead dead dead admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:10 pm]: nice way to end a movie admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:13 pm]: Thanks for stopping by everyone. Happy Halloween and we'll see you next year. Maybe we'll do a Thanksgiving Movie this year. Look for Every Writer the Magazine tomorrow. admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:14 pm]: The End.... admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:14 pm]: Anyone have anything to add? admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:14 pm]: Questions? admin [October 30, 2014 - 6:14 pm]: ???
If you missed the movie, leave a comment here.
Who won the contest?
Go here: https://www.everywritersresource.com/ click the Every Writer and Winner post.