A large family supper party, a night or two ago, with voices and laughter of the young,...
Classic Articles on Writing
Classic articles on writing art some of the most interesting and telling works by past authors. Here you will find articles from the past by authors that range from the famous to the obscure.
In the narrative of English witchcraft the story of the exorcists is a side-issue. Yet their performances...
Christmas Eve (1895) by O. Henry Some Sights and Sounds Caught on Houston Streets and Elsewhere Houston...
Mark Twain on First Getting Published (1906) My experiences as an author began early in 1867. I...
The following is taken from the book Short Story Writing: A Practical Treatise on the Art of ...
THE STORY-TELLER AND HIS ART by Sir Richard Steele I have often thought that a story-teller is...
A note from the editor Note from editor: I am going through and updating some of these...
What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Certainly there be, that...
I visit Central Park now almost every day, sitting, or slowly rambling, or riding around. The whole...
How to Become a Werewolf AS I have already stated, in some people lycanthropy is hereditary; and...