Welcome to our brand new Literary News and Announcements section, your one-stop destination for staying up-to-date with the buzzing world of literature. In this dedicated space, we curate a comprehensive list of the latest happenings, including exciting events, fresh issues of renowned literary magazines, hotly anticipated book releases, and a wealth of other literary delights from across the internet. If you have news or announcements that you’d like to share with our vibrant community of literature enthusiasts, we invite you to submit your details using our convenient online form. Our team is always on the lookout for compelling stories, and we may reach out to you for an in-depth interview or to feature your news in a prominent article on our site
Unveiling the Nightmare: Behold Our Cover Art & Terrifying Authors! 
The veil is ripped, the shadows tremble , and the horror is unleashed! Witness the chilling cover art for our upcoming anthology (we warned you it would be bone-chilling! ) and prepare to meet the authors who will weave nightmares into your reality.
Gaze upon the cover and tremble before the likes of:
J. M. Faulkner, whose cosmic horrors have haunted the pages of Cosmic Horror Monthly.
R.P. Serin, the mastermind behind a chilling tale in the Happy Hellidays! Anthology (Hellbound Books Publishing LLC). Their festive fright is just a taste of the darkness they’ll bring.

Caleb James K, the weaver of suspense whose stories will leave you gasping for air, much like the sirens in the recent April 2024 edition of Ithe Sirens Call.
This is just a glimpse into the abyss that awaits. Stay tuned for more author reveals and prepare to be scared… because this anthology promises to be a nightmare come true (in the best way possible)!

Fahmidan Journal is now reading for our Autumn Issue!
Reasons to submit:
We pay $25 per acceptance.
We do not charge fees.
We’ve been around for over 3 years already and will treat your Submission with care!
Feedback Options
A diverse, international staff.
A guaranteed 25 day max response time.
Curators Enon De Groot
April through June 2024
Curators Enon De Groot and Ira Director invite you to an international multimedia exhibition in our Gallery on Kibbutz Gezer and in our Gezer Gallery FaceBook Group with artists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Israel, Nepal, South Korea, Swaziland, USA.
We are still considering poetry submissions on the theme of “Now” for the April – June online exhibition. No Fee. Previously published okay. Submit directly to the Gezer Gallery link below. Deadline: April 30, 2024 Ira Director, curator Gezer Gallery, Kibbutz Gezer, Israel
https://www.facebook.com/groups/gezergalleryMidsummer Dream House Literary & Arts Magazine
Midsummer Dream House Literary & Arts Magazine is now accepting submissions for Issue 2. Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Music, Visual Art, Plays or Scripts, and Graphic Fictional Works are all considered. We are currently accepting submissions through Duosuma.

Synaeresis: arts + poetry is accepting submissions of poems, visual art, and photography for our 24th issue. To read/download the previous issues, please visit our web page: https://beliveaubooks.wixsite.com/home/magazines
River Heron Review

Submissions are open & we’re reading. Won’t you send your poems, also? We give our contributors lots of love with social media posts, readings, newsletter mentions, and more. Discover more RHR on our website. www.riverheronreview.co
Cigarette Fire is a new literary magazine looking for sparks ready to catch fire. All writers, with a preference for new and unpublished writers, are invited to submit poetry, short fiction (1500 words max.), flash non-fiction (500 words max.), and visual art to be published in our debut issue that will be released later this spring. There are no thematic boundaries or guidelines; we want work that catches our attention as quickly as a match starts a blaze.
To submit your work, email cigarettefiremag@gmail.com with no more than 5 submissions and a brief biography. The submission deadline is Thursday, April 11th by 11:59 pm. Visit https://cigarettefire.wixsite.com/home for more details regarding submissions. Since Cigarette Fire is a new magazine, we are unable to compensate authors at this time, but we hope to be able to do so in the future. For all works published, we retain first serial rights and ask that you cite Cigarette Fire as the first place of publication. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.
Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to reviewing your work!
Midsummer Dream House Open Submission Call: Issue 2
Midsummer Dream House Literary & Arts Magazine is now accepting submissions for Issue 2. Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Music, Visual Art, Plays or Scripts, and Graphic Fictional Works are all considered. We are currently accepting submissions through Duosuma.
6th annual Poetry Prize

The 6th annual Poetry Prize is open and we are ready to choose our next winners. Send poems! Send poems now! https://www.riverheronreview.com/the-rhr-poetry-contest
A Poetry Book for Everyone
You Break It You Buy It by Lynn Tait (Guernica Editions) is available throught the publisher, bookstores and Amazon in North America and the UK. If you’ve ever had a toxic relationship of any kind, this the book for you. Poems of truth and humour on difficult relationships and our continuing desire for connection.
April 2024 Haiku Challenge
The April 2024 Haiku Challenge is up at Tricycle Magazine. The season word is “BUTTERFLY.” You can submit as many haiku as you please using the submission form at Tricycle.org/haiku
From this month’s Haiku Tip:
“The best haiku feel effortless, as if they had slipped right out in conversation and inadvertently hit the mark. They rarely show any trace of conscious deliberation. This is an illusion of course…like the magician’s trick that ‘looks easy’ even though it is nothing of the sort.”
Prairie Grindstone Prize
Ready to submit your nomination? Nominations are open now until April 15, 2024 at midnight.
All you need to do is:

Nominate a deserving Saskatchewan writer with a one page letter stating why they would be the best recipient.

Please include the contact phone number for the nominated writer.
*writers may not self-nominate
That’s it!
To submit your letter of nomination or if you have questions, please email us at grindstoneprize@gmail.com
Visit prairiegrindstoneprize.ca and click on nomination guidelines for all of the info.
For More Information
The Rosette Maleficarum Call for Submissions
The Rosette Maleficarum prides itself on literary works that promote the darker aspects of life. From a dilapidated doll that watched her owner abandon her, to the ghost of a soldier who wanders the battlefield, the journal records to struggles of humanity. Even so, I’m open to little innocent lights, ones that bring back the nostalgia of our youth. But who knows? Just send a piece in, and perhaps it could be published here.
General Submissions
The Rosette will accept short stories of 1,000 to 8,000 words, poetry of up to about 40 lines, and prose between 200 to 5,000 words. Send your works in PDF, doc, or Epub format to Robin_Goodfellow12@hotmail.com. Place on the subjects line “Submissions”. You can send up to five pieces, but please, submit only once per month, as to give others a chance to submit.
General submissions are open year round. Simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you credit the Rosette Maleficarum as first publisher.
For More Information
Wind Down the Chimney and Other Eerie Tales
Presenting ten tales with elements of mystery, horror, whimsy, fantasy, touches of romance, and some technology run amuck. From the story of a young newlywed couple targeted by a ghost in their chimney, a club of six where one member goes beyond just discussing how to commit a simple murder in a complicated way, a pair of virtual reality goggles that give the wearer a rather deadly experience, a privately owned library where you aren’t just fined when a book is overdue, to a mystery man who leads a young woman into a dangerous situation, each story stretches reality beyond the norm. And a few of these tales will leave you with that shivering feeling that the story isn’t quite over.
For More Information