149 Review
About the Publication
149 Review is an online journal focused on publishing fresh, original, thought-provoking poetry and creative nonfiction. We want work that pushes the boundaries of literature while at the same time paying attention to the importance of craft. Devoted to publishing nothing but the highest quality issues, we are looking for work from writers at every stage of their career, so send us your best. We publish issues twice a year, in the Summer and Winter. 149 Review began as the passion project of a group of undergraduate students at Salisbury University whose creative writing classroom was—you guessed it—room 149. All of us fell in love with the act of writing in this room, all of us became friends in this room, and all of us learned our craft in this room. Community is such an important part of writing, so we named our journal after the room where our community was born. Writing is truly a team sport, not something that should be done alone. Fellow writers, editors, publishers, and so many other people are necessary to support each of us as we do what we love. Our name is in reference to this often ignored truth. In the end, we are just a few of the many writers who love our craft, and now, we want to bring this love of craft to you!
Poetry: Given 149 Review’s dedication to highlighting craft, we want work that is intentional with everything it presents to us. We like poetry with interesting line tension, clear images, thought-provoking soundwork, and creative formal experimentation. Shock us, haunt us, demand that we listen to what you have to say. Inspire us, as writers, to look at the world in a new way. After all, that is what good art does—it transforms us. CNF: We’d love to see work that tries something new; the essays that you second-guess submitting, whether it be lyric, personal, or researched. While we can all enjoy a well put-together memoir—or even an analytical essay—from time to time, 149 Review encourages the exploration of intimate perspectives and experiences by stretching the boundaries of the medium. Visual Art: We will also be looking to consider art of any form in our issues. Whether it’s photography, oil painting, or any other form of visual art, as long as we have the pieces in .jpeg, .jpg, or .png format, we would like to consider it.
Craft Prize: Every issue, our editors will choose 3 poems and 1 creative essay that utilize the tools of their craft exceptionally well. Whether it’s the use of line break, mode, or ostranenie in poetry or whitespace, narrative braiding, or POV in Nonfiction, if your work moves our editors with a mastery of craft, we want to highlight it. This is a non-monetary prize with the intent to acknowledge the hard work of our contributors. It takes an incredible amount of time to develop a command over one’s craft toolkit, and as writers ourselves, we want to put that effort on display. All accepted submissions will be in contention for our craft prizes, so there is no need to send a separate submission to be considered.
Editors Name Donald Pasmore and Ben Cooper
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://www.149review.org/submit
Approx. Response Time? 20 days
How often do you publish? Biannually
Year Founded? 2025
Do you pay? No
Twitter https://x.com/149Review
Mailing Address:
Email 149review@gmail.com
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