7th-Circle Pyrite
From the editor
The 7th Circle of Hell as represented in Dante’s Inferno is reserved for those who have committed acts of violence. In the world we live in—where violence runs rampant—sometimes we may feel Hell is already here. And if that’s the case, let’s take the dregs of life—sulfuric as they may be—and turn them into something more beautiful. 7th-Circle Pyrite aims to present a home for all that transcends the mundane. For those who choose to allow their writing and art to capture the macabre, surreal, esoteric, magical, and spiritual aspects of life, our journal hopes to be a refuge. This goal was borne of a desire to create safety and express appreciation for writers and artists whose work may be niche in the creative space. We believe in the abandonment of pretension in our relationship with the creative community. That is, we believe that you as a writer or artist is what makes a journal great; your work is what makes it shine. For that reason, we encourage all who submit their work to remember that we will treat your work with respect whether it is selected for publication or not. And if it’s not selected, that is not a reflection on you as a writer or artist. We want all creatives who reach out to us to remember that they deserve a voice and to remain confident in their creative pursuits. We publish original poetry, short fiction, essays, and artwork. We are also an inclusive publication. Diverse viewpoints are always welcome, and we do not discriminate based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, spiritual ideology, health, physical appearance, or any other aspect of a person’s identity. Additionally, 7th-Circle Pyrite welcomes emerging creatives just as excitedly as veterans. For those who are new to the creative space or to the journal submission process, we embrace you and your talents!
7th-Circle Pyrite accepts poetry, short fiction, essays, and visual art whose content explores spirituality, the arcane and macabre, horror, paranormality, magic, religion, occultism, or whose style embraces dark and/or gothic imagery. These themes include—but are not limited to—the following: Religious/spiritual beliefs and practices Death and the afterlife Astrology, tarot, and magic Paranormal or extraterrestrial experiences Mythology, folklore, and urban legends Demonology, spirits, and the supernatural Cultural tales and traditions Dreams, signs, and omens Write about your relationship with God. Write about that haunted, dilapidated house you and your friends visited as kids. Write about your astrological insights. Write about your thoughts on death, Heaven, and Hell. Write about that one unexplainable event that happened to you that no one seems to believe. If you can travel beyond the material and mundane, we want to hear from you! We do not accept work that includes prejudicial, inflammatory, or disparaging content aimed at a specific racial or ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, age, or religious group.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
Editors Name Keiraj M. Gillis
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://www.7thcirclepyrite.com/submissions
Approx. Response Time? Within 30 days for poetry; within 45 days for fiction and creative nonfiction
How often do you publish? 6x per year (every other month)
Year Founded? 2023
Do you pay? No payment is offered at this time.
Mailing Address:
Email 7thcirclepyrite@gmail.com
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