Submit your site! Submit your Literary MagazineInstructions We are asking for longer and more detailed reviews. Please try to fill out the Information section, please include at least 300 word summary of the publication. If you include a picture we would like for it to be a magazine cover. If you do not have one, we will take a logo. If you do not include enough details, we will not publish your listing. We are sorry about this, but we must do this to comply with search engine rules.Magazine Name *Website *Must include http://Information about your publication *Minimum 150 words, if you do not submit 300 words your submissions will be disregarded.What type of submissions are you looking for? *Please write at least 150 words for your submissions section.Tell us about upcoming events or contests Editors Name *Print publication? *YesNoCirculation Do you take online submissions? *YesNoSubmission Guidelines URL Approx. Response Time? How often do you publish? Year Founded? Do you pay? Twitter Mailing Address: Email *Facebook Picture url Direct us to a picture you would like us to use or upload one below.Include a picture. Is this a new listing or update? *If this is an update, please still fill out this form completely.NewUpdate VerificationPlease enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12) *This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: