From the Editor
Our literary journal, ionosphere, focuses on the relationship between science, technology, and the human experience. We seek poetry submissions that explore how science and technology affect our lives, the lived experiences of people of diverse backgrounds and identities, speculative futures, and the natural and built environment in fresh and innovative ways. We welcome submissions in various styles and forms, from traditional to experimental, and encourage submissions from writers of all backgrounds. Our inaugural issue showcases unique and imaginative perspectives and includes a wide range of voices. ionosphere is published twice a year, preceded by an approximately 3-month reading period. All featured authors receive a PDF copy of the journal.
ionosphere focuses on the relationship between science, technology, and the human experience. We seek poetry and essay submissions that explore how science and technology affect our lives, the lived experiences of people of diverse backgrounds and identities, speculative futures, and the natural and built environment in fresh and innovative ways. We allow simultaneous submissions but do not accept previously published content. As we publish in print, we may not be able to reproduce certain types of creative formatting or liberal use of white space. Please see our submission guidelines for more information. If you have work that fits these themes, we encourage you to submit it for consideration.
Editors Name Simon Kaeppeli
Print publication? Yes
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 1-3 months
How often do you publish? twice a year
Year Founded? 2023
Do you pay? no, digital copies only
Twitter ampliconpress
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