Magazine Name: | Lilliput Review |
Twitter: | |
Facebook: | |
Website: | Defunct |
Editors Name: | Don Wentworth |
Print publication?: | Yes |
Mailing Address:: | Lilliput Review Don Wentworth, Editor282 Main Street Pittsburgh, PA 15201 |
Email: | |
Circulation: | 300 plus |
Submission Guidelines URL: | |
Approx. Response Time?: | Up to 16 weeks |
How often do you publish?: | 2 issues quarterly |
Year Founded?: | 1989 |
Do you take online submissions?: | No |
Information about your publication: | Lilliput Review is a print magazine founded in 1989 and dedicated to the short poem. The magazine’s normal format, 4.25 x 3.5″, reflects its name and that focus. It is published quarterly, two issues at a time, with every 4th issue being a broadside featuring the work of a single poet. The Lilliput Review blog, Issa’s Untidy Hut, is the heart and soul of the mags online presence: |
What type of submissions are you looking for?: | Guidelines: All poems submitted should be 10 lines or less, with a 3 poem maximum per submission. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) or IRCs (international reply coupons) with sufficient postage for their return or they will be placed in the trash. All poems should be previously unpublished, unless noted. Payment for work accepted is 2 copies of the issue in which the work appears. Reporting time is 90 plus days. No electronic submissions considered. |
Tell us about upcoming events or contests: | There is a weekly online feature at the magazine’s online blog, Issa’s Untidy Hut, called “Wednesday Haiku.” For info about sending one haiku for consideration for this feature: |
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