Bicoastal Review
From the Editor
Bicoastal Review is a literary journal of poetry, creative nonfiction, interviews, art, and photography that aims to foster cross-genre conversations between readers and contributors, particularly on themes related to the U.S. East Coast and West Coast. They publish writing that offers a lens into varied schools of thought and showcases epiphany and mastery of language – to highlight the movements, ruptures, and allegiances happening simultaneously on opposite ends of the nation. Writers and artists from anywhere in the world are welcome to submit. Bicoastal Review particularly welcomes ekphrastic works that imitate, borrow, challenge, or are in conversation with any piece they have previously published. They also hold an annual poetry contest.
In addition to original writing, art, and photography, we welcome ekphrastic works that imitate, borrow, challenge, or are in conversation with any piece we have previously published. Leave us a note in your submission if you are referencing a previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are fine. We do not accept reprints. Writers/artists featured in the journal should wait six months to submit again. You can also check out our interview with Six Questions.
Poetry: 5 poems max, preferably in .doc or .docx. Please separate poems by page. Titles are preferred. We are also happy to accept translations (into English) with the permission of both author and translator.
Creative nonfiction, book reviews, critiques, think pieces, braided essays, and similar: 1,000-3,000 words preferred, though this is not a hard rule. Query us via email if longer. Occasional fiction may be considered if you are sure that it matches the tone and themes of our publication.
Photography, art: Submit up to 10 photos or works of art using the highest image quality possible. Feel free to also send us a “museum label” style paragraph explaining any materials, process, theory, or whatever else you would like to share about the art.
Bios should be 100 words or less, beginning with “YOUR NAME is….”
Note: While hybrid, experimental, or cross-genre works are welcome, we do not accept AI-generated text or images. We do not accept writing that espouses bigotry or hateful attitudes toward any group.
We hold at least one annual poetry contest.
Print pub: no but hopefully future anthology
Online subs: yes
Response time: 1-12 weeks
Pay: no unless contest
Year founded: 2023
How often published:
Issues released August 1, Nov 1, Jan 1, April 1.
Editor: Marina Kraiskaya
no twitter
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