Make Money with your Literary Magazine
Do you want to make money with your literary magazine? Are you working hours and hours on the web for free? Publishing a literary magazine is not easy. It may be your passion, but if you’re not making money with your website, your passion can only take you so far. As the editor of EWR I see literally 100s of literary magazines start every year, and many of those fold after a few short months. After all the hard work and thankless hours of promotion editors simply cannot afford to keep up the work without getting paid. On the other side, every literary magazine that I know that makes money has stayed in business. Even if it’s not millions, literary magazines and literary websites can make enough money to cover the bills and put extra money in your bank account. It can be done.
Your site can earn money. Your site can earn enough money to support itself. Your site can even earn enough money to supplement your income. It is very possible to use your literary magazine as a part time job, and it is possible to turn your passion for writing and working with writers into a full time income. It can be done.
This is a new service from EWR. I will work with you personally to show you how to make money with your magazine. You’ll get details on all your options, PPC ads, PPA, affiliate marketing and more. I’ve done the research. I will even show you how to build a following and increase your website traffic.
If you are ready to use your passion to make money, having a literary website or magazine gets you half way there! All you need now is a little help to start making money. I will show you how. This is not an automated service. It is personalized. You will not “sign up” for a mindless newsletter. I will talk you through the process. If you are interested, email me at
The price of this service is $99. I will show how to drive traffic to your site and find sources of revenue. If you want to turn your passion into into a part-time job or more, contact us. This is a great value. Other programs that would not be directed at literary magazines, and they charge $100s for a service that might not work with your model. This service is for literary magazine. It’s for you.
You can get some of this information in our Newsletters, so please join our mailing list. It will help you get started making money with your literary magazines.
Avoid spending a 100 hours of research, trial and error, or even time on fake programs and let me help you get with my experience. We will show you where the best sources of revenue for your literary magazine. I will give you tips on getting more readers and expanding your reach. If you are ready to stop working for free, contact me. You’re putting out a product for free, why not make money? Why are you paying to work for free? There are many great money making opportunities on the web for literary magazines and literary websites, let me show you how.
The service is only $99. You won’t have to do research. You won’t have to trial and error even product out there. You can start right away making money. It works, and it has been tried and test on literary magazine and literary website. It does work.
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