Foreword Reviews
From the Editors
Foreword Reviews is committed to shining a light on great stories from independent storytellers, writing objective, honest reviews of their books, and connecting them with readers who share in the excitement of seeing the world from a new and different point of view. We love books and the art of great storytelling. We discover, curate, critique, and share a collection of new indie book reviews and feature articles, so everyone can experience something exciting, insightful, and satisfying. We’re the experienced prospectors mining for the new literary gem. We’re the talent scout spotting the next great literary star. We’re the art gallery curator hand-picking artists for the next show. We’re the megaphone for the little guy who deserves to be heard. We’re every librarian’s cheat sheet. We’re every indie bookseller’s secret black book. We stay up really late because the stories are just too damn good to put down and all we want to do is talk about them. We’re ForeWord Reviews and here’s our story. We began our vision in 1998 in Traverse City, Michigan. We were three women writers and magazine professionals who loved discovering great new stories and books that no one had ever heard of and other book review magazines neglected to cover. We thoroughly enjoyed critiquing and sharing them with our friends. This passion for finding great, undiscovered stories and sharing them led us to launch a trade review journal to cover all the wonderful books that were being published by the rapidly growing indie, alternative, and university presses, and even the ever-growing contingent of self-publishers. We loved what we were doing, and it was exciting to support independent thinkers and new voices, so we quickly established a network of dedicated, honest, objective reviewers around the country and also connected with hundreds of publishers to review copies of new books flooding the market. Today, ForeWord Reviews continues to shine a light on great stories from independent storytellers, writing objective, honest reviews of their books, and connecting them with readers who share in the excitement of seeing the world from a new and different point of view. We love great stories and the art of great storytelling. We discover, critique, curate and share a collection of new indie book reviews and feature articles, so everyone can experience something exciting, beautiful and amazing. We’re led by one of the three original founders, Victoria Sutherland, who remains the guiding force behind our vision to curate the best resource for discovering new indie books, the starting point for all conversations about those books, and the platform for passionate discussion between authors and readers. We’re an indie company supporting an indie community. Our magazine, ForeWord Reviews, is distributed quarterly to over 7,500 librarians and booksellers and is also available at most Barnes & Noble and BAM newsstands and by subscription. We employ a full time staff of seven, in addition to a handful of freelance editors and nearly one hundred reviewers. We still call downtown Traverse City our home, and our offices are located on the third level of a historic building, The Old Cigar Box Company, overlooking the beautiful Boardman River.
Books, galleys, or ARCs 3-4 months prior to publication from small presses, university presses, and self-published authors.
Deadline for the annual book of the year program, IndieFab, is January 15, 2015 for books published in 2014. The annual Book of the Year Awards program offers three awards in over sixty categories plus an overall Grand Prize winner for the best Fiction and Nonfiction with a cash prize of $1500. Book of the Year Award Finalists and Winners are featured on the Foreword Reviews website, Foreword This Week enewsletter, and news releases to book trade media. Additional exposure is generated through Foreword’s social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+). Winners of the 2014 IndieFab Book of the Year Awards will be announced at the American Library Association Annual Conference in June 2014, as well as showcased in our Fall 2015 issue of Foreword Reviews magazine. For more information or to enter on the IndieFab Book of the Year Awards program, visit, or contact or 231-933-3699.
Editors Name Matt Sutherland
Print publication? Yes
Circulation 8000
Approx. Response Time? quarterly
How often do you publish? quarterly
Year Founded? 1998
Do you pay? No
Do you take online submissions? No
Mailing Address: Foreword Reviews 425 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, MI 49684
Twitter @forewordmag
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