A Sufferer’s Digest
From the Editor
A Sufferer’s Digest is a new literary magazine that publishes Gothic fiction that examines society and the human condition. Our tagline: “Literature that’s hard to stomach” is our guiding principle. One important aspect of art in general is to confront the bleak and gritty realities of living. Famous short story writer Flannery O’Connor once said “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” We publish work on a rolling basis on our website. Once every two months, we will take the best submissions and works published over that period of time and create a digital issue that can be downloaded from the website. Reading online and submitting is and always will be free. Nothing will be published secondarily in the best-of without the writer’s express permission. When submitting work, you give us the right to be the first publisher of the work if we accept it, at which point the rights will transfer back over to the writer. We are honored to read the work of talented writers like you!
We are looking for Gothic literature that highlights the gritty and darker aspects of society and the human condition. We accept stories that are American and European Gothic. If you are familiar with Flannery O’Connor, she is a good example of a Gothic short story writer. Gothic literature has several elements, such as crumbling and dark settings, flawed characters, and on occasion deep allegorical themes. Your work does not have to be fully in the genre. However, it should have one or more elements of the genre. Your work should be original work that has not been published elsewhere. – Your work should be a story or poem between 1-2000 words. – Your work should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman or a Courier font. – Your work should be the best work you can submit, we are honored to read your work and want to publish what you submit. – Your work should have the Gothic spirit.
Editors Name Macy Skov
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://www.sufferer.online/submit
Approx. Response Time? Two weeks
How often do you publish? On website on a rolling basis, bi-monthly highlight magazines
Year Founded? 2024
Do you pay? No
Twitter https://twitter.com/sufferersdigest
Mailing Address:
Email asufferersdigest@gmail.com
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