A Velvet Giant
From the Editor
A VELVET GIANT is a genreless online literary journal, meaning that we do not categorize the work we receive by genre.
We recognize that it can feel impossible to talk about writing without categorizing it. When we say genreless, we don’t mean apolitical. Writing that resists binary categories such as fiction/nonfiction or poetry/prose is inherently queer and inherently political. We want writing that exists in the world, that resists tradition and expectations to build towards new ways of creating, feeling, and being.
A VELVET GIANT is soft & ferocious. Goofy & smart. Gorgeous & gross. A VELVET GIANT likes to feel unsure.
We love ambiguity: flash pieces, found pieces, cross-genre experiments, the “poem” that thinks it might be a story, the “story” that thinks it might be a poem. Writing that works to scrutinize, critique, and/or chip away at capitalist and patriarchal structures. Retellings and reimaginings. Magic in unexpected places. Writing that works to dissect the complexities of power, of agency, and of trauma. Reclamations. Work that breaks everything down so that it can build.
We are seeking submissions for our very first issue. Each piece of writing accepted for publication (whether it be on the page or in the form of a recording, a video, visual art, etc.) will be paired with one of the drawings featured on our home page. These drawings, as well as our logo and title lettering, were designed by Francesca Hodge.
We hope to curate a collective space for writing & art to intersect without being separated by labels and demarcations. Send us the stuff you’re excited about.
We are open to any genre of work, work that does not adhere to any one genre, cross-genre work, and work that refuses all labels. Work may take the shape of basically any format: words, recordings, visual art, hybrid forms, etc.
We love ambiguity: flash pieces, found pieces, cross-genre experiments, the “poem” that thinks it might be a story, the “story” that thinks it might be a poem. Writing that works to scrutinize, critique, and/or chip away at capitalist and patriarchal structures. Retellings and reimaginings. Magic in unexpected places. Writing that works to dissect the complexities of power, of agency, and of trauma. Reclamations. Work that breaks everything down so that it can build.
We are especially interested in work by genderqueer & LGBTQ+ people, women, POC, etc.
Send us the stuff you’re excited about. We accept submissions on a rolling basis.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
Editors Name Erika Walsh & Emma Sheinbaum
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://www.avelvetgiant.com/submit/
Approx. Response Time? Less than 3 months
How often do you publish?
Year Founded?
Do you pay?
Twitter https://twitter.com/avelvetgiant
Mailing Address:
Email avelvetgiant@gmail.con
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/avelvetgiant/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
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