Aegir Magazine
From the Editor
Are you underwhelmed with life, overwhelmed by snakes, and think happiness can only be achieved through naps? Then this mag is for you.
Aegir Magazine is a full-color print magazine published yearly by Lobster Cartel Publishing. Lobster Cartel is an independent publisher of literature and art based in south eastern Massachusetts founded in 2014 by Chris Lindstrom and John Condry. Lobster Cartel is a growing small press that is going to be making the raddest books in the cave. We are currently looking for submissions for our second issue of our flagship Aegir Mag.
In Aegir, sad poems about mountain dew and surrealist animal banter are the norm. We look to publish poetry, prose, and art from young writers and established voices. Aegir Magazine seeks to create a space where internet jargon and traditional prose can hang out together. If you write short stories written in jazz or write poems with elbows, we want to see your work. If you take photos of burning buildings but weren’t the one to set the buildings on fire, we want to see your work. If you do set buildings on fire but you wrote a sick play about a person who turns into a train, we want to see it. We love art with a big colors and unique takes on the human form or photos of people yawning.
For our visual artists we have a monetary award for a featured artist and an award for a cover artist.
If you like what you hear we encourage you to submit.
We are looking for:
Poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, flash paintings, photography, digital art, collages, surrealism, jovial pessimism, sadness, humorous essays, essays about birds, angry essays about birds and anything that doesn’t fit these categories.
No length limits just keep it reasonable (we have a lot of bagels to eat.)
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
Check out our upcoming projects here
Editors Name Editor in Chief John Condry & Chris Lindstrom
Print publication? Yes
Circulation 250 (and growing)
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 1-4 months
How often do you publish? yearly
Year Founded? 2014
Do you pay? no (we do provide contributor copy)
Mailing Address:
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