Apple Valley Review
From the Editor
The Apple Valley Review, a semiannual online literary journal, was founded in 2005 by its current editor, Leah Browning. It is published in the spring and fall of the year. Each issue features a collection of short fiction, poetry, and essays. This journal is a member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP). It is preserved at worldwide research libraries by Stanford University’s LOCKSS system and is archived in the Electronic Collection of Library and Archives Canada/Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. On several occasions, work originally published in the Apple Valley Review has been included in anthologies of best online writing. J. W. Young’s essay “Pageant Queen” and Edward Byrne’s poem “Island Fever” were selected for Best of the Web 2008, which was published by Dzanc Books. In the past seven years, the Best of the Net Anthology has included three short stories: “Home for the Holidays” by Kevin Carey, “His Wife” by Barry Jay Kaplan, and “How to Leave” by Kerri Quinn, and four poems: “Left” by Leslie LaChance, “Jane Austen’s Toes” by Rob Hardy, “Thanksgiving” by Pat Daneman, and “Color Therapy at the OB-GYN’s” by Anna Evans. Kevin Carey’s short story “Home for the Holidays,” which appeared in the Spring 2011 issue of the Apple Valley Review, was selected as one of the storySouth Million Writers Award top ten online stories of 2011. Individual works of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have also been designated as finalists or notable stories by Best American Essays, Best of the Net, storySouth Million Writers Award, and Best of the Web. All work published in the Apple Valley Review during a given calendar year is also considered for the annual Editor’s Prize. Past recipients include Jessica Rafalko in 2013 for two short stories, “News, Unreported” and “Notes Left for My Minor Suicide Attempts (Ages Nine, Twenty, and Thirty-One)”; Thomas Andrew Green in 2012 for his short story “Kingdom of the Jellyfish”; Glen Pourciau in 2011 for the short story “Backbone”; Alana Ruprecht in 2010 for her poem “Pumpkin”; Jin Cordaro in 2009 for a set of four poems, “He Said He Knew of a Place Where We Could Swim,” “Cicadas,” “Ice Cream,” and “My Mother Used to Bring Home Blue-Shell Crabs”; Kathy Anderson in 2008 for the short story “You Are the Bad Smell”; Rosa Salazar in 2007 for three poems, “Chaplet of Mercy,” “Another Side to Despair,” and “Tío Leandro, Where Were You When Ramón Died on the Farm Last Week?”; and Janet Zupan in 2006 for her poem “Missing the Stop.” Recent cover artwork has included pastel on archival board by Mary Aslin, oil on canvas by modern Russian landscape painter Dmitry Levin, photography by Elle Moss, acrylic on canvas by Michelle Basic Hendry, detail of a mixed-media room-sized installation by Sarah Walko (photographed by Christopher Keohane), and oils on linen and canvas by Justin Snodgrass, Mary Erickson, and Yevgenia Nayberg. The current issue, previous issues, subscription information, and complete submission guidelines for the Apple Valley Review are available at Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature Leah Browning, Editor ISSN 1931-3888 Established 2005
Submissions of short fiction, poetry, and essays are read year-round. We prefer work that has both mainstream and literary appeal. All work must be original, previously unpublished, and in English. Translations are welcome if permission has been granted. Please send an exclusive submission of up to three prose pieces or up to six poems. Include the word “fiction,” “poetry,” or “essay” in your subject line, and type or paste your submission into the body of a single e-mail message. (Please disregard any difficulties with font or formatting that arise after pasting the text.) We will not open any unsolicited attachments. Include a cover letter and a short biography. For more detailed information, including a list of frequently asked questions, please see the complete submission guidelines on the website.
All work published in the Apple Valley Review during a given calendar year is considered for the annual Apple Valley Review Editor’s Prize. Since 2006, the prize has been $100 US and a gift of a book of poetry or fiction. Past recipients of this prize include Jessica Rafalko, Thomas Andrew Green, Glen Pourciau, and Kathy Anderson for their fiction, and Alana Ruprecht, Jin Cordaro, Rosa Salazar, and Janet Zupan for their poetry.
Editors Name Leah Browning
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Approx. Response Time? 1-8 weeks
How often do you publish? twice yearly
Year Founded? 2005
Do you pay? No. All work published in a given year is considered for the annual editor’s prize.
Mailing Address: Please send all submissions via e-mail.
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I’m a retired physician and love to write fiction and poetry. I’ve published a couple books with Alba Books, Staten Island, New York. the titles are The Marijuana Maze and The Secret Scandal, Wife Battering. In addition, I’ve published through Amazon, The Starting Five, this year.
I teach creative writing at a local university, read and write daily. I’ll submit a couple of my short stories. Thanks,
Dr. Harold Pascal.