From the Editor
ART TIMES, founded in 1984, provides commentary and resource for the fine and performing arts. Copies are distributed most heavily in the Metropolitan New York, and the Hudson Valley Regions as well as the adjoining states of NJ, CT, PA and MA. ART TIMES is available online with additional resources that include links to organizations, artists, workshops, classes and more. ART TIMES is a free publication and can be found every other month at performing art centers, galleries, schools, museums – basically wherever the arts take place. Our art editorials, reviews, critiques, short fiction, poetry, opportunities for the arts, Art Book/CD/Video reviews, essays on dance, theater, film and music are of interest across the country. The extensive calendar is more specific to the cultural corridor of the Northeastern region of the US.
FICTION: Short Stories up to 1500 words. All subjects but no excessive sex, violence or racist themes. Our prime requisite is high literary quality and professional presentation. Pays $25 upon publication, six extra copies of issue in which work appears and one year’s complimentary subscription beginning with that issue. WE DO NOT PUBLISH REPRINTS. POETRY: Up to 20 lines. All topics; all forms. Same requisite high quality as above. Pays in six extra copies of issue in which work appears and one year’s complimentary subscription beginning with that issue. WE DO NOT PUBLISH REPRINTS. We do not encourage simultaneous submissions of Poetry. (Note: We are usually on about a 36-month lead for fiction; 24-month lead for poetry). Readers of ART TIMES are generally over 40, literate and arts conscious. Our distribution is heaviest in New York State (along the ?Hudson River Corridor? from Albany into Manhattan). We are sold by subscription, newsstand; copies may be obtained free at selected art galleries. Subscription copies are mailed across the US and abroad. In addition to short fiction and poetry, feature essays on the arts make up the bulk of our editorial. (Note: Articles and Essays are not solicited). Always include SASE with all correspondence. Sample copy: 9×12 Self Addressed Envelope with 3 first-class stamps. Guidelines: Business-size SASE w/1 first-class stamp. Electronic submissions will not be considered.
Editor: Cornelia Seckel
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: PO Box 730 Mt. Marion, NY 12456
Circulation: print 22,000
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 6 months
Publishes: bimonthly
Year Founded: 1984
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