Beloit Fiction Journal
From the Editor
The Beloit Fiction Journal publishes the best in contemporary short fiction. Traditional and experimental narratives find a home in our pages. We publish new writers alongside established writers. Our fiction-only format allows us to consider very long as well as very short stories. We occasionally publish excerpts.
Work first appearing in BFJ has been reprinted in award-winning collections, including the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, the Flannery O’Connor and the Milkweed Fiction Prize collections and has received the Iowa Short Fiction award. BFJ has published work by A. Manette Ansay, Rick Bass, Mark Brazaitis, Lan Samantha Chang, Gary Fincke, Robin Hemley, Karl Iagnemma, Dennis Lehane, Cris Mazza, John McNally, Maura Stanton, Ron Wallace, Gordon Weaver and Mark Wisniewski.
Our reading period is from August 1st to December 1st only. We hope you will be kind enough to consider sending to us then.
We are open to literary fiction on any subject or theme. Stories may be from one to sixty pages in length, though longer pieces will have a more difficult time finding acceptance than shorter ones. We are always interested in new writers as well as established writers. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please send us one story at a time and always include a self addressed, stamped envelope (SASE).
To celebrate our 30th anniversary, the BFJ will be starting it’s first-ever short story contest in September 2014.
Editors Name Chris Fink
Print publication? Yes
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 3-6 months
How often do you publish? Annually, in the Spring
Year Founded? 1985
Do you pay? We have no submission fee; however, we do have a contest fee
Mailing Address:
Chris Fink, Editor-in-Chief
Beloit Fiction Journal
Box 11, Beloit College
700 College Street
Beloit, WI 53511
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