Blue Collar Review
From the Editor
Blue Collar Review (Journal of Progressive Working Class Literature), published quarterly, contains poetry, short stories, and illustrations “reflecting the working class experience–a broad range from the personal to the societal. Our purpose is to promote and expand working class literature and an awareness of the connections between workers of all occupations and the social context in which we live. Also to inspire the creativity and latent talent in ‘common’ working people.” Editorial Comments Has published poetry by Simon Perchik, Jim Daniels, Mary McAnally, Marge Piercy, Alan Catlin, and Rob Whitbeck. Blue Collar Review is 60 pages, digest-sized. Subscription is $15/year; $25 for 2 years. Sample copy for $7. Make checks payable to Partisan Press.
Partisan Press looks for “poetry of power that reflects a working class consciousness and moves us forward as a society. Must be good writing reflecting social realism including but not limited to political issues.
Working People’s Poetry Contest. — $15.00 per entry (1 poem) Deadline May 15 entries accepted year ’round Poetry should be typed as you would like to see it published with your name and address on each page. Winner will receive $100, the winning poem posted on our website for a year, and a one year sub to the Blue Collar Review.
Editors Name Al Markowitx
Print publication? Yes
Circulation 500
Do you take online submissions? No
Approx. Response Time? 3-9 weeks
How often do you publish? quarterly
Year Founded? 1997
Do you pay? copies
Mailing Address: Blue Collar Review P.O. Box 11417 Norfolk, VA 23517
Picture url
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