From the Editor
CONSEQUENCE is a new literary magazine focusing on the culture of war in the twenty-first century. We believe that literature and art can advance the discourse a democracy needs to govern itself. But we all face the challenge of a digital age that demands our attention; we can be impatient, less inclined to engage the printed page and reflect. Aware of this challenge, we invite you to step away from the numbing buzz of twenty-four-hour media, to indulge your mind and senses in well-crafted words and images you can hold in your hands. Our subject is war and how it affects us at every level of society. In our culture, for well over two and a half millennia, war has compelled artistic expression ranging from personal catharsis to historical record, across a wide spectrum: actual combat, political agendas, moral decisions, the need to mourn, the pain of witnessing, the desire for peace. Art that addresses the consequences of war wants to make us see what we’d rather turn away from. Our mission is to introduce the works of a new generation of writers and artists as their stories emerge. We want to present different points of view in order to challenge assumptions, create tensions that reveal complexities and lead to a nuanced understanding of what’s at stake. By including translations of notable writers from other cultures we will learn what war means to them, their families, and futures. Be prepared to question the way you think and feel about war. What we’ve been told and shown has come from a predominately white male point of view. Now, women returning from combat give us a critical perspective that might help correct our country’s historically myopic vision. War’s narrative has also left out the stories of young men and women pushed to the margins of society because of race or ethnicity. To escape poverty they join the military in disproportionate numbers, then pay a higher price. You will hear from them in these pages. This inaugural issue of CONSEQUENCE includes previously published works by distinguished authors that exemplify our mission. Future issues will increasingly feature the best new writing we can find by witnesses and survivors, soldiers, scholars and writers compelled to speak the truth about war. You will find their work immediate, sharply focused, exceptionally well written, and always rewarding. We wish to thank the many friends and colleagues who have helped us, especially the William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences at the University of Massachusetts Boston for a generous contribution that makes this issue possible. George Kovach
CONSEQUENCE publishes annually short fiction, poetry, non-fiction, interviews, visual art and book reviews primarily focused on the culture and consequences of war. CONSEQUENCE welcomes unsolicited manuscripts during the reading period between March 31st and September 1st. Submissions mailed outside that period will be returned unread, provided that sufficient return postage is included. Our reporting time is approximately two to three months from the end of our reading period. We will respond to mailed manuscripts only when accompanied with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. For fiction and non-fiction: please submit one piece of no more than 5,000 words. For poetry: please submit up to five poems of any length. Translations are acceptable.
Email submissions can be in the form of a Microsoft Word document or embedded in the email.
Editor: George Kovach
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: CONSEQUENCE magazine P.O. Box 323 Cohasset, MA 02025-0323
Circulation: 1200
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 2 weeks
Publishes: annually
Year Founded: 2009
Online Submissions? Yes
Poetry Editor,
Mailed submissions Send to: Poetry Editor, Consequence Magazine, P. O. Box 323, Cohasset, MA 02025-0323 ?Please include a SASE for notification of results and returns.
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