Contraposition is a digital literary magazine. Its quarterly releases are available for the public to view as well as download. The aim of this magazine is to help foster the regrowth of poetry in the digital age. The “Exposed Brick Wall” section is our solution to the issue of the lack of accessibility to performance poetry and storytelling. We are currently working with a publisher and distributor in order to get print copies available. At present, the magazine is not designed to generate income, so submissions are intended only to be shared for the sake of enjoyment, practice, and with enough presence — recognition. We are also currently working towards gaining our 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit. Submissions should be sent to We accept pieces from anyone. We also take multiple submissions (but please don’t over do it). Currently there is no monetary compensation. We reserve the right to use the piece on this page indefinitely (any other use will have to be agreed upon with the author). Formed in 2013, Contraposition is an independent publication so feel free to email with any questions to Visit us on Facebook at Editors: Nathan Rupp ( Ev “Fracas” Malcolm (
What type of submissions are you looking for?
As our title suggests, we are not the average lit mag. We are looking for creative new authors who have taken a new approach to poetry. We accept poetry, short fiction, photos and videos of performance poetry.
Editor’s Take
We rank Contraposition as an unestablished market. This ranking means that the market is unproven and still new to publishing.
EWR Ranking
Tier 3 (new market)
Other information
Editors Name: Nathan Black Rupp and Ev Malcolm
Print publication? No
Approx. Response Time? Two Weeks
How often do you publish? Not given
Year Founded? 2013
Do you pay? Not Yet
Do you take online submissions? Yes
As of recently, Contraposition has signed with a printer/publisher and their first print edition will be coming out soon.