From the Editor
Information about your publication: Recent poems from Crazyhorse were selected for reprint in The Best American Poetry 2008 and 2007 and The Pushcart Prize anthology, recent fiction in The Best American Short Stories 2008. Richard Jackson?s poem ?Cain?s Legacy,? won a 2004 Pushcart Prize. Dinty W. Moore?s essay ?Son of Mr. Green Jeans,? was reprinted in the January 2004 Harper?s Magazine. Read excerpts online: Since 1960, Crazyhorse has published John Updike, Raymond Carver, Jorie Graham, John Ashbery, Robert Bly, Ha Jin, James Wright, Carolyn Forch?, Charles Simic, Lynda Hull, Charles Wright, Jean Valentine, and Billy Collins. Past authors have been reprinted in the annual Pushcart Prize and Best American anthologies, have won Pulitzer Prizes, the National Book Award, the O. Henry Prize, have been Guggenheim fellows and NEA Fellowship recipients.
Crazyhorse is now Swamppink. Please see their site for more information: “In the fall of this year, we will publish our final issue, then begin anew under our new title, swamp pink. Swamp pink is a perennial member of the lily family, indigenous to the Carolinas. In 1988, swamp pink was federally listed as a threatened species due to environmental encroachment, development, and the introduction of invasive species.”
Information on Contests: Each year Crazyhorse offers the Crazyhorse Fiction Prize and the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize. The prize awards are currently $2000 for each genre, and the winning poem(s) and prose are published in Crazyhorse. Please visit our website,, for details
Editor: Garrett Doherty
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: Department of English College of Charleston 66 George Street Charleston, SC 29403
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 1-3 Months
Publishes: Bi-annually
Year Founded: 1960
Online Submissions? Yes
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