Dreamers Creative Writing
From the Editor
Dreamers is dedicated to all the different ways to write creatively from writing for writing’s sake, to using creative writing in academic research, to writing as therapy.
We take our name from a lecture published in 1908, called “Creative Writers and Daydreaming” where Freud compared dreaming to art. He writes, “A piece of creative writing, like a daydream, is a continuation of, and a substitute for, what was once the play of childhood” (28). He goes on to say that “myths, legends and fairy tales” are the “wishful fantasies of whole nations, the secular dreams of youthful humanity.”
Dreamers Creative Writing is interested in writing that is from the heart, especially writing that has some connection to writing for wellness – narrative medicine, medical memoir, writing the self, and healing writing.
Do you have a story to tell? We can help!
This is your one-stop website for Canadian writing resources! Get writing tips and prompts, find out where to submit your writing, or learn about locations for some of the world’s best workshops and retreats.
Writing to Heal, Therapeutic Writing
Creative Non-Fiction, Poems and Stories
Content Marketing for Authors
Writing Workshops, Residencies and Retreats
Writing Contests and Awards
Dreamers also publishes a bi-yearly magazine.
A lot of love and care, plus (who are we kidding??) dreams of writing glory, go into the creation of our magazine. These writers have poured their hearts onto our pages and all they ask in return is that someone, somewhere, read what they’ve written.
The inaugural issue of the Dreamers Magazine features an exclusive interview with Angie Abdou, a top 10 CBC Canada Reads Finalist for her book, The Bone Cage.
You can also read the winning haiku from our 2018 Haiku Contest, get a list of 73 places to submit your writing, and read a variety of stories and poems that have been written from the heart.
We’re looking for writing submissions of short stories, poems, personal essays or excerpts (that stand alone) from any genre. We’re willing to consider any form of writing that is well-written and from the heart. We especially love writing that has some connection to writing for wellness – narrative medicine, medical memoir, writing the self, healing writing, etc.
In keeping with the theme of the website, we’re also accepting reviews of books of any kind—short story collections, novels, memoirs, chapbooks, first-hand accounts from within the linen closet of Dante’s Inferno—but would prefer those that are related in some way to wellness writing.
Please use 12 pt font, double-spaced formatting. We prefer short pieces. Range is 15 to 4000 words, excluding works cited. Multiple submissions are fine, however, please submit one narrative, book review or essay at a time, or up to 3 poems via the Submittable system. If you would like to submit more than this in a given reading period, please do so as separate submissions via Submittable. Simultaneous submissions are fine.
We accept previously published pieces, as long as they are currently available for repeat publication. Please let us know where your piece was previously published so we can give proper credit.
All accepted pieces will be published on our website and author’s will be paid a one-time $20 CAD honorarium. Twice per year, we’ll select the best from among all our published online submissions for publication in our bi-yearly magazine. All authors whose work is chosen for this magazine will receive 2 printed copies.
We ask for limited non-exclusive digital and print rights. Copyright remains with the author.
We currently have a number of events upcoming:
1) We’ll be exhibiting on the Publishers Way at the Eden Mills Writers Festival in Eden Mills on September 9, 2018.
2) We’ll be exhibiting in the Magazine Mews at Word on the Street in Toronto on September 23, 2018.
3) We’ll be hosting a day long Writing to Heal Workshop in Eden Mills, Ontario, Canada on October 13, 2018.
The description of our next writing contest is the following:
Stories of Migration, Sense of Place and Home
Dreamers as a term has come to represent undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children. Although Dreamers Creative Writing’s name has a different meaning and origin, this contest is intended to honour “Dreamers” as it applies to migration, and our sense of place and home.
Submit your stories of migration and/or your sense of place, of home or lack of, and your empathy to the plight of migrants around the world. Please feel free to interpret the theme of this contest in any way that is fitting for you personally, keeping in mind the overarching theme of Dreamers Creative Writing – that of heartfelt stories. You do not need to be a migrant to enter this contest – you only need to empathize with the theme in some way and have a heartfelt story to tell on the topic.
You may enter a poem, a nonfiction or creative nonfiction piece, a personal essay, an article, a children’s nonfiction story, a dramatic piece, a comic or an experimental piece. The only requirement is that what you submit should be true.
Entries should be between 15 and 4000 words.
This contest is open to the world and will begin on September 1, 2018. The contest deadline is January 31, 2019.
Editors Name Kat McNichol
Print publication? Yes
Circulation Unknown – first print issue just announced. Online monthly traffic is 30,000 +
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://www.dreamerswriting.com/submit/
Approx. Response Time? 2 months
How often do you publish? 3 to 5 times per week online, 2 times per year in print
Year Founded? 2017
Do you pay? Yes
Twitter https://twitter.com/WriteDreamers
Mailing Address:
585 Bruce Street
Hepworth, ON, Canada
N0H 1P0
Email info@dreamerswriting.com
Facebook Find them on Facebook
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