DUMAS de Demain: The French Literary Magazine
From the Editor
Have you ever found yourself somewhere in your city, shopping, in a restaurant, or even just walking down the street, when you hear someone passing by, speaking French? And then you experience it, that little spark! That “wow,” that little jump for joy, the surprise “insider” connection that you feel when you realize that there is a little French in your environment and you are able to connect and understand. It’s like an impromptu visit to France right there in your local supermarket!
That spark, that little excitement, that chance to hear, share and understand, that is the premise behind Dumas de Demain!
Have you found yourself in a new school or new city in search of a means to indulge your desire for French culture or expand and advance your proficiency in French language through literature and poetry? So we seek out French markets, restaurants, cultural organizations or film. But upon returning to our homes or dwellings, we accept that we must once again wait, for the next opportunity to visit in French – the next film, the next meeting, the next market. Dumas de Demain (DdD) provides an enduring occasion to visit with French language and culture in the US — whenever and wherever we may find ourselves. DdD is the opportunity to share and hear our developing, creative French voices. DdD is a chance to enjoy fresh, contemporary French poetry and prose as fashioned by our peers, our countrymen, ourselves.
Dumas de Demain is a new French literary magazine. Our emphasis is on promoting young writers and strongly encourage the emerging writer to submit their work for consideration. All written submissions must be in French and previously unpublished; accompanying illustration is welcome. We welcome completed manuscripts. We are also excited about and seek spoken word submissions. Spoken word must be original, in French and should not exceed five minutes in length.
Dumas de Demain is eagerly on the lookout for submissions of virtually any creative nature for consideration. Stop by and share your experimental musings, your funny stories, your vision of life through poetry and how it all comes together for you in French.
At Dumas de Demain, we publish both online and print copies of French language stories, poems, fiction by young, emerging writers. We also celebrate and welcome French spoken word created by young artists/writers. DUMAS de Demain seeks submissions from young people up through age 25.
À Dumas de Demain, nous publions des copies imprimées et en ligne d’histoires, des poèmes, de la fiction par de jeunes auteurs émergents. Nous célébrons aussi la spoken word créées par de jeunes artistes / écrivains. DUMAS de Demain accepte les soumissions de jeunes à travers 25 ans.
We are currently accepting submissions of French poetry, fiction, prose, and spoken word for our upcoming print and online volumes.
Editors Name Phillip P. Michalak
Print publication? Yes
Circulation Limited
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? Eight – ten weeks
How often do you publish? Annually (print); bi-annually (online)
Year Founded? 2013
Do you pay? Hope to, but not at this time.
Twitter @DumasDedemain
Mailing Address:
Email dumasdedemain@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006103128276
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