Eclectica Magazine
Information about your publication:
Eclectica was founded in October 1996 with the goal of providing a sterling quality literary magazine on the early World Wide Web. At the time, there was a struggle to find online equivalents to esteemed print publications like Harper’s, The New Yorker, Granta, The Atlantic and others that offered quality content for demanding readers. Although some of these magazines had basic websites, they were intended as companions to the print editions rather than standalone online magazines harnessing the full potential of the web.
Thus, Eclectica was born. The vision was for a magazine not constrained by genre or formula, using technology to enhance the reading experience rather than for flashy gimmicks. The idea was to have content dynamic and compelling enough to keep readers coming back for more.
Over two decades later, outstanding writing remains the sole criterion for publication in Eclectica’s editorial process. The aim is to share sterling works with an ever-growing global readership. Categories are provided for reader convenience but pieces that defy easy classification are welcomed. While many online magazines now succeed in what Eclectica pioneered in 1996, it prides itself on being one of the longest-running and most consistent literary ezines on the web.
Eclectica welcomes any feedback on the publication. Suggestions, criticism, raves and critiques are not only welcome but encouraged, with the goal of making Eclectica a magazine readers will continue enjoying and share with others.
What type of submissions you are looking for:
Although Eclectica is interested in all styles and genres of writing, prospective authors are still encouraged to read a current issue before submitting their work. Eclectica is always interested in considering pieces of fiction, poetry, essays, creative nonfiction, drama, book and movie reviews, travel writing, interviews and humor/satire. Works which cross genres—or create new ones—are especially welcomed. This includes prose poems, opinionated pieces, works combining visual art and writing, electronic multimedia, and types not yet imagined.
There are no restrictions as to length when it comes to submissions. Eclectica is happy to consider long stories and novel excerpts, although serialization of extremely long pieces may be discussed. The only firm criterion is outstanding writing—if the writing stands out, Eclectica wants to share it.
Editor: Tom Dooley
Mailing Address:
Circulation: N/A
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 3 months
Publishes: Quarterly (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct)
Year Founded: 1996
Online Submissions? Yes
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