Epiphany, a literary Journal
From the Editor
Epiphany is committed to publishing literary work in which form is as valued as content. We look for writing, wherever it may fall on the spectrum from experimental to traditional, that is thoroughly realized not only in its vision but also in its commitment to artistry. We are especially open to writers whose explorations of new territory may not yet have found validation elsewhere.
What type of submissions you are looking for: Read our issue. We like to publish first time writers who show immense promise.
We are introducing a chapbook contest for Epiphany Editions, our chapbook offshoot of the magazine. Chapbooks will be judged by a celebrity judge and published alongside a book written by the judge. Information can be found online at www.epiphanykits.com.
From the site:
Submissions are currently OPEN for work to be published exclusively online at Epiphany. All digital submissions will also receive a free digital subscription with the code included in our initial response letter.
We hope that when you read Epiphany, you’ll get a sense of the great variety of stories, poems, essays, and genre-bending work that we like, and the recurring themes to which we keep returning. We hope that you’ll enjoy and connect with the work of your fellow writers, and that you’ll feel you’re a valued part of our community, rather than just another lonely writer sending your beloved work out into some unsympathetic void. We hope you’ll see what makes us different. We hope you’ll feel you have a stake in our endeavor.
Editor: Willard Cook
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: 71 Bedford Ave New York, NY 10014
Email: epiphany.magazine@gmail.com
Circulation: 1100
Submission Guidelines: http://loadedbicycle.com/about.html
Approximate Response Time 2-3 months
Publishes: 2/ year
Year Founded: 2001
Online Submissions? Yes
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