Glimmer Train Stories
Website: defunct
Information about your publication:
One of the best literary journals in the country, Glimmer Train was founded in 1990 by editors Linda Swanson-Daveis and Susan Burmeister-Brown. These sister editors have built a literary magazines of outstanding stories from the best writers in the country. The magazine has been selected by the Pushcart Prize, The PEN and O’Henry Awards and have had stories selected for inclusion in Best American Short Stories and many other national anthologies.
Glimmer Train gives a good part of it’s prize winnings to new and emerging writings, so if you are a new writer looking to prove yourself, there isn’t really any better place to do it than in their writing contests. Not only will you win a nice cash prize, you will also quickly establish yourself.
In 2013 we had the honor of interviewing Susan Burmeister-Brown, and she was kind enough to give us some insights into her publishing philosophies. You can read her interview here.
EWR highly recommends this magazine. Buy a subscription and enter their contests. Support them!
We particularly welcome the work of new and emerging writers. In the recent Best American Short Stories, of the top “100 distinguished short stories,” six appeared in Glimmer Train Stories, second only to the New Yorker. We are pleased to say that, of those six, two were those authors’ first stories accepted for publication.
Our Short Story Award for New Writers is held quarterly in the months of February, May, August, and November. It is open to any writer whose fiction has not appeared in a publication with a circulation greater than 5000. Glimmer Train holds 12 short story contests, and they give away over $50,000 in prizes per year.
Editor: Susan Burmeister-Brown
Print Magazine? Yes
Circulation: 10,000
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 6-12 weeks
Publishes: quarterly
Year Founded: 1990
Online Submissions? Yes
Mailing Address: 4763 SW Maplewood Road PO Box 80430 Portland, OR? 97280
Twitter: @glimmertrain
I am an aspiring writer and would like to know if you pay authors that put submissions into your magazine. If you do how much do you pay?
Will you please contact me at
Yours Truly,
Amy Slaney
If u look at glimmer train’s website under guidelines, it tells you everything you need to know. They do pay, and rather well too. Good luck.
Sadly, this publication no longer exists.