Hermeneutic Chaos-A Literary Journal
From the Editor
Art is the ultimate paradox of humanity. It constantly seeks to find kinship with the ephemeral quicksand while simultaneously pausing to contemplate over the mismatched heartbeats of each granule. Even more so, literary art, for it becomes the responsibility of 26 meager alphabets to rummage through the uneven contours of the chambers hidden by human emotions to lexically photograph them in all their masquerading complexity. Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal is an endeavor to showcase all that art is capable of, from the humble nonchalant to the vehement procrastinated profundity. Here, words will encounter an adventure not with the seen and experienced, but with the Muse they conceive during the interaction. Every month, the journal will publish poetic and prosaic interpretations of human sensations as they alchemize the humdrum wallflowers into spirited animations. Where each word will urge its fellow mates to rehearse the etiquette of an unbridled escapade. We welcome you to explore and participate in the engendering and raise the wonder that is the word-a bare whisper caressing the light on the bosom of a chartreuse tinted leaf, a fragile dew drop sheepishly marvelling its masterpiece on the grass tips, a distant chirp which befriends a lonely seashell lying on the shore.
Poetry-Prose and verse. Experimental, avant garde. Fiction
Editors Name Shinjini Bhattacharjee
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 1 week
How often do you publish? Monthly
Year Founded? 2014
Do you pay? No
Mailing Address:
Email hermeneuticchaosjournal@gmail.com
Picture url
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