Home Planet News
From the Editor
Home Planet News was founded by Enid Dame & Donald Lev in 1979. Based in New York City, it appeared three times a year in a 24-page newsprint format that included poetry, short stories, memoirs, reviews, black & white drawings, photography, & cartoons. The magazine’s expressed purpose was “to provide news of the small press & poetry scene, thereby fostering a sense of community among contributors & readers.” In the 2000s, Frank Murphy launched the online version of the magazine, which continues to build upon the Home Planet foundation. As we are now an online-only magazine, we don’t have a timetable regarding frequency of publication, i.e., Home Planet News will appear at various times throughout the year. The idea is to grow each issue organically. In other words, when we have enough work for a new issue, we’ll publish. How many times a year that is depends upon our editors’ synchronicity &, more importantly, our contributors, without whom there’s no possibility of a magazine. While we don’t pay gratuities, we are generous in our gratitude. Copyright returns to contributing artists upon publication. We have no preference for any particular literary movements or style. Our tastes are rather eclectic—we like what we like. Whether the work is traditional or experimental, our primary criterion is good writing. Our recent contributors include Sam Alec, Angela Ball, Robert Beveridge, Ace Boggess, Alan Catlin, Lenny DellaRocca, Cat Dixon, Deborah H. Doolittle, Livio Farallo, Margaret Gibson, John Grey, Carol Hamilton, James Harms, Lisa S. Horowitz, Lou Jones, Susan Kaplan, Donald Mangum, Leslie Anne Mcilroy, Vanessa Ogle, Frederick Pollack, Ken Poyner, Myra Tejada Rasmussen, Jon Riccio, Richard Schiffman, Jennifer Schneider, Beate Sigriddaughter, Daniel Sklar, Nancy Spiller, Tino Villanueva, Mike Wilson, & Mark Young. The best advice to prospective writers for Home Planet News is to 1) be different & 2) be persistent.
Home Planet News is an online-only journal of literature & visual art. Our submission window is open year-round for poetry, fiction, & visual arts. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, with the understanding that Home Planet will be promptly notified if the work is accepted elsewhere. We also welcome previously published work if the writer holds the copyright. Poets should send up to 6 of their best poems. Each poem should begin on a new page. We have no restrictions on style or length. Fiction writers may send one story (no word limit) or up to 3 flash fiction pieces (less than 1000 words each). Visual artists may send 10-12 samples in one medium only (e.g., photography, painting, drawings, digital art) as low- or high-res jpeg attachments. High-res jpegs will be required for any work accepted for publication. Visual art that is part of a series or thematically related stands the best chance of acceptance.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
Editors Name Matt Morris
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://homeplanetnews.com/12-submissions-mm/
Approx. Response Time?
How often do you publish? several times a year
Year Founded? 1979
Do you pay? no
Mailing Address:
Email hpnlitmag@yahoo.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/homeplanetnews/
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