From the Editor
KUDU is an online biannual literary journal devoted to the creative work of South Africans. The name KUDU, a Khoikhoi term, was chosen to honour the Khoisan peoples, the first indigenous peoples of South Africa. KUDU aims to be a platform for the multifarious creative voice of South Africa and to represent the unity in diversity which characterises the nation. By definition, Art is comprehensive, insightful and diverse. It is, therefore, in a privileged position to interpret and represent the complexity of South Africa and its people. South African resident and expat citizens, and dual citizens, of all origins and backgrounds, at any stage of their artistic careers, are welcome to contribute their literary works and visual art. KUDU will strive to discover/uncover hidden or overlooked talent and encourages beginning writers and artists to submit. KUDU welcomes both unpublished and previously published work in the following categories (in their broadest sense): poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, and visual art. Any form. Any style. KUDU follows strict principles of non-discrimination and fairness, and work indulging in abuse of any kind, verbal or visual, will be rejected. Submitters accept the Editor’s judgement and decision in this regard as final. Although KUDU prioritises unsolicited and unpublished work, we will occasionally host solicited and previously published work, which must be accompanied by due acknowledgements, and as long as the author retains copyright and it was published at least one year prior to submission. KUDU is non profit and acquires the non-commercial right to archive, publish, promote and distribute the selected work in online, digital and print form. Upon publication, contributors retain the copyright of their work. Contributors will cite KUDU should their work be published elsewhere in the future. We do not accept work generated by AI. Submissions are free. KUDU is not a paying market. Contributors may download a PDF version of the issue with their work from the KUDU website. KUDU accepts simultaneous submissions but please notify us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere. All submissions are read by the Editor, who selects the works that will be published in KUDU. Submitters accept the Editor’s judgement and decision in this regard as final. For a summary of what we’re looking for, please see the interview at Six Questions For.
When to Submit KUDU is published in June and December. The relative submission windows are: from January 1 to February 28, and from July 1 to August 30. Submissions will be closed when all spaces have been filled or submission caps have been reached. What to Submit Poetry and fiction as an artistic blend of imagination and technique. Nonfiction as personal observation, insight and linguistic flair. Visual art that is uniquely yours. Submit original work that is captivating, that inspires reflection, that provokes debate, that is meaningful, that enriches the reader. Submit your best work. Please revise carefully before submitting to avoid banal imperfections that may lead to rejection. Submissions must be in English. For submissions in another official South African language, please see genre guidelines below. KUDU would be extremely honoured to publish work by members of the Khoisan community, in the original languages or in English. Special conditions apply to these languages and submitters are encouraged to contact the Editor directly for the relative guidelines. Submit only one genre. No multiple submissions. Poetry Send 1 – 3 poems, 40 lines maximum per poem. All poems must have a title and be clearly identifiable. Send the poems attached to your email in a single document with each poem on a separate page. File type: .odt, .doc or .docx. File name: Poetry – Title(s) of poem(s) – your name surname. Standard Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced. Number the pages. Put your name surname, country, and email address at the top of the first page. If the work is previously published, add the following note under the title: prev. published in: Journal name – issue number – date. If your poems use excerpts from the work of other authors, please cite your sources in this file. Submissions in another official South African language must be accompanied by an English translation. Short Fiction Send 1 text, of min. 500 – max. 2000 words. The text must have a title. Send the text attached to your email. File type: .odt, .doc or .docx. File name: Short fiction – Title – your name surname. Standard Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced. Number the pages. Put your name surname, country, and email address at the top of the first page. If the work is previously published, add the following note under the title: prev. published in: Journal name – issue number – date. If your work uses excerpts from the work of other authors, please cite your sources in this file. Submissions in another official South African language (max 700 words) must be accompanied by an English translation. Longer works must be in English; however, you may include a brief summary (max 50 words) of your work in your language of choice. Nonfiction Send 1 text, of min. 1500 – max. 2500 words. Subject: must concern South Africa. Essay, memoir, biography, interview, review, creative nonfiction, literary and cultural criticism, political analysis, other. The text must have a title. Send the text attached to your email. File type: .odt, .doc or .docx. File name: Nonfiction – Title – your name surname. Standard Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced. Number the pages. Put your name surname, country, and email address at the top of the first page. If the work is previously published, add the following note under the title: prev. published in: Journal name – issue number – date. If your work uses excerpts from the work of other authors, please cite your sources in this file. Unfortunately, nonfiction is too long to be published with a translation, therefore submissions in another official South African language are not possible. However, you may include a brief summary (max 50 words) of your work in your language of choice. Visual Art / Photography Send all of the following attached to your email: 1 image (.jpg, at least 300 dpi/ppi resolution.). File name: Kudu head – your name surname. Subject: your original interpretation of a portrait of an adult Kudu (head and horns). Any size, perspective, medium, technique or style. Colour or b/w. This may be selected for the front or back cover of KUDU journal, and as illustration of its website, publications, posts and publicity. 2 images or photos (.jpg, at least 300 dpi/ppi resolution.). Two separate files. File names: Title – your name surname. Your original work. Any subject. Any size, perspective, medium, technique or style. Colour or b/w. These may be selected as illustrations of KUDU journal, website, publications, posts and publicity. How to submit Send the following email to the Editor at: editorkudujournal@gmail.com Email subject line: KUDU submission – genre – your name surname. Example: KUDU submission – poetry – Mary Smith. Example: KUDU submission – visual art – Anele Ndlovu. Email body: a cover letter with: your name surname, city, country, and email address; state your connection to South Africa – examples: I am South African, I am a British South African; genre, title(s) and line count (poetry) or word count of your work; a short bio: written in third person, max. 90 words. You may include one social media address. Also please inform if it is a simultaneous submission. Please note – only for Visual Art: If the image is previously published, add the following note after the title here in the cover letter: prev. published in: Journal name – issue number – date, . Attach the file with your work. The Editor welcomes submissions by writers and artists from underrepresented communities. Should you wish to, please feel free to self-identify in your cover letter or in your bio.
Editors Name Claudio Perinot
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://kudujournal.wordpress.com/submissions/
Approx. Response Time? 4 – 6 weeks
How often do you publish?
Year Founded? 2024
Do you pay? no
Mailing Address:
Email editorkudujournal@gmail.com
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