From the Editors
The Madison Review is a literary arts journal published through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Founded in the early 1970s by students from the university’s creative writing program, The Madison Review remains a student-run journal to this day. Each issue of The Madison Review contains previously unpublished fiction, poetry, art, and, often, interviews with well-known writers. Contributors to The Madison Review have included I.B. Singer, Stephen Dunn, Lisel Mueller, May Sarton, Charles Baxter, Roberto Fernandez, and C.K. Williams. The Madison Review has also had the privilege of interviewing such literary figures as Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, David Sedaris, Lorrie Moore, and Dean Young. The Madison Review publishes two issues annually: the fall issue is published online, and the spring issue is in print.
Unpublished fiction, poetry, and art that are polished, ambitious, and mature with a strong and new voice!
PHYLLIS SMART-YOUNG PRIZE IN POETRY & CHRIS O’MALLEY PRIZE IN FICTION The Madison Review annually hosts the Phyllis Smart-Young Prize in Poetry and the Chris O’Malley Prize in Fiction. The finest unpublished short story and triad of unpublished poems are awarded $1,000 and publication in the spring print issue of The Madison Review! Submissions accepted September 1st – November 1st. Please visit our website for more information and submission guidelines:
Editors Name Cody Dunn, McKenna Kohlenberg, Will Conley Print publication? Yes Circulation 200 Do you take online submissions? Yes Approx. Response Time? 1-3 months How often do you publish? Biannually Year Founded? 1970s Do you pay? No
Twitter Mailing Address: Email madisonrevw[at]gmail[dot]com Facebook
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