NY Literary Magazine
From the Editor
The NY Literary Magazine publishes the finest literary achievements in modern poetry by both emerging and internationally-recognized, award-winning poets from around the world. We strive to highlight talent and bring to light gifted poets of all ages and nationalities.
We accept poetry in all genres, as well as short fiction stories.
We are searching for outstanding talent, a beautiful play of words, emotionally stirring poems that have deep meaning and will withstand the test of time.
We run monthly free to enter poetry contests.
Editors Name Elizabeth Harding, Sandra Reynolds, Lara Wilson, Jennifer Lewis
Print publication? yes
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://nyliterarymagazine.com/submit-your-poems/
Approx. Response Time? 2-3 months
How often do you publish? monthly
Year Founded? 2016
Do you pay? no
Twitter @NYLiteraryMag
Mailing Address:
Email NYLiteraryMag (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NYLiteraryMagazine/
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Thank you for listing our magazine!
I’d like to correct one error in our listing. We do actually publish in print, as well as in digital format.
Thank you,
Hi. I have a short story The New Yorker called “grim and unrelenting.” It has not been published. It’s pretty hard hitting and I want to know if you are up for it. It’s called “Suicide in One Hour” and is about two junkies, one of whom fatally overdoses./Patrick Fealey/patrick.fealey9@gmail.com
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