Painted Bride Quarterly
From the Publishers
Painted Bride Quarterly, established in Philadelphia in 1973, is one of the country’s longest running literary magazines. PBQ is a community-based, independent, non-profit literary magazine published quarterly online and annually in print, making it accessible to a broad and diverse audience. This hybrid format allows for immediacy, accessibility and permanence simultaneously. The book allows us to transcend any questions of legitimate publication for authors, while serving our contributors with the timely, and easily shared, publication of their work online. PBQ does not limit itself to specific regions or genres, and we publish poetry, fiction, and prose from emerging and established authors from across the country and around the world. The combination of PBQ’s volunteer editorial board and ever-changing student staff makes its published voice unique.
What type of submissions are you looking for?
Painted Bride Quarterly accepts up to 5 poems, fiction up to 5000 words, and essays and reviews up to 3000 words, in any genre or school (occasional exceptions are made.) All artwork: photographs, paintings, etchings, lithographs and line drawings are now accepted in black & white and color for publication on our website, and in black & white only for our print annual. We appreciate photoshop files (psd.), or jpgs; size 1024×768.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
50/50 Fiction Contest Michael Martone, author of 4 for a Quarter will judge PBQ’s 50/50 fiction contest over the next 50 weeks. Why? Because we want to throw a party to celebrate our 40th Anniversary and…you! Our party is your party. Prize: Since we firmly believe there’s no good writing without good readers– it’s a 50/50 split! 50 % of whatever we collect and publication in Painted Bride Quarterly. Get it? The theme: 50/50 (Why? Because 50/50 can be so broadly interpreted it’s almost like we don’t have a theme!) The fee: $20 Submit: Please submit original works of fiction of 50-5000 words that have not been previously published and draw on theme of 50/50 (and we mean what we said above: interpret 50/50 as you see fit). Submit by entering via Submittable, or by entering through our store and paying us directly—MORE MONEY FOR US BOTH!!! When submitting and paying via the store, please send your story via and put 50/50 somewhere in the reference line. The deadline for all submissions is September 1, 2013. All participants will be notified of the winner via e-mail. All submissions will be considered for publication in Painted Bride Quarterly. The party for our 40th will be held in the fall of 2013, in Philadelphia, along with readings and other celebratory events in Boston and New York. You will be invited to it all!
Editor’s Take
Painted Bride Quarterly is an outstanding literary publication. It has been publishing for 40 years. They are well established and honored. This is a 1st tier literary magazine. PBQ is much more than their yearly print publication. Check out their very well down website.
Submission Guidelines URL
Other Info
Editors Name Kathleen Volk Miller
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Print publication? Yes
Mailing Address: Drexel University | Department of English and Philosophy 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Year Founded? 1973
Do you pay? NA
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Be advised that PBQ can take over a year to reply regarding submissions.