Magazine Name: | Pigeon Town |
Website: | Defunct |
Twitter: | |
Facebook: | |
Editor: | Tomas Laverty |
Mailing Address: | |
Email: | |
Circulation: | |
Submission Guidelines: | |
Approximate Response Time | |
Publishes: | |
Year Founded: | |
Online Submissions? | Yes |
Information about your publication: | Pigeon Town is an online magazine that features articles, reviews, rants and *other non-fiction by writers across the globe. Tell it like it is. Nothing is off-topic. For information on how to submit, please see the ?submit? page. Beginning in 2007 as the online literary magazine Truth Sauce, Pigeon Town has evolved into a online magazine of creative nonfiction? and photography. While the name Pigeon Town might seem to suggest an urban theme, that is not at all the case. We accept nonfiction? submissions of any type and encourage experimentalism. We are not looking to publish mere articles and opinions ? we are looking for nonfiction that engages the reader with a sense of deep authorial intent. We like work that has a formidable voice and presents real-world topics with voracity. Pigeon Town?s goal is to compile the work of creative-writers thinking and expounding in a nonfictional way. * When we say ?nonfiction?, that?s what we mean. We don?t mean anything else. This does not mean your submission to us is required to be in paragraph format or should? have a decisive narrative, or a clear moral. Perhaps we are blurring the lines between nonfiction and poetry, or nonfiction and prose. |
What type of submissions you are looking for: | Pigeon Town publishes anything composed of language or imagery so long as it is non-fiction, so long as it is rooted deeply in the author?s personality. We prefer language steeped in its author?s character. Pigeon Town also seeks original photography. While no subject matters are suggested, all will be given consideration |
Information on Contests: |
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