From the Editor
Posit is an online journal which publishes four issues per year of poetry, prose, and visual art. We feature a dynamic, accomplished, sophisticated work that may be eclectic in style but is always innovative, challenging, and aesthetically broadening. We at Posit believe in de-Balkanizing the literary and visual arts scene by providing an aesthetically beautiful showcase for carefully curated, highly innovative work that is not circumscribed by affiliation with any specific aesthetic or artistic movement. We are committed to publishing work by writers and artists of all nationalities, ages, races, gender identifications, sexual orientations, and career stages. We also believe in supporting our contributors, nominating their work for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and other awards, and publicizing their news via social media. We have published the work of writers like Samuel Ace, Fady Joudah, Anne Waldman, Michael Palmer, Norma Cole, Elaine Equi, Sharon Mesmer, Amy King, B.K. Fischer, Martine Bellen, Emily Carr, and Zach Savich.
Posit considers only unpublished written work, and acquires first-time North American rights upon publication. Thereafter, all rights revert to the author, and the work may be reprinted as long as appropriate acknowledgement to Posit is made. No such restrictions apply to visual art submissions.
Poetry: 3-6 poems, no line limits, but no epics, please.
Fiction and hybrids: 1000 words or less.
Visual Art: Please submit six to twelve jpeg images, an inventory list, an artist’s statement and a one-paragraph bio.
Film and animation: no longer than 3 minutes, please.
See our Submittable page for complete guidelines: https://posit.submittable.com/submit
Tell us about upcoming events or contests
Posit will be featured at the 2016 New York City Poetry Festival (#nycpofest2016)
Sunday, July 31, 2016 3:00 PM
Governor’s Island, New York City
Hosted by editor and publisher Susan Lewis, featuring B.K. Fischer, Joanna Fuhrman, Anne Gorrick, Amy King, Kate Lutzner, and Christina Mengert
Editors Name Susan Lewis
Print publication? No
Circulation n/a
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://positjournal.com/guidelines/
Approx. Response Time? 2-6 weeks
How often do you publish? four times per year
Year Founded? 2013
Do you pay? no
Twitter @positjournal (http://twitter.com/positjournal)
Mailing Address:
245 Sullivan Street
New York, NY 10012
Email positeditor@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/positjournal
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