Ways to promote your publication
Here are some of our suggestions on how to best promote your publication. We know that many of you work hard as editors, but promoting your literary magazine, horror magazine, or other magazine is a difficult job. Here are some simple methods we’ve come up with for promoting that seem to have the most impact.
Far and away Twitter is the easiest and best way to get a following and then be able to stay in touch with that following. You can tweet 10 or more times per day and people are ok with it. FB, you get 1 to 5 posts per week before peoples really get fed up with you.
- Facebook pages
I know what I just said, but FB is great for bringing in new readers. You start a page, and then Boost your post. You can boost a post for as little as $5, and you can point it to a completely new audience. It’s a very good way to promote your publication to new readers.
I know at first it doesn’t seem worth it to go through all the trouble of having a mailing list. When you have less than 1000 subscribers it just doesn’t feel like It’s worth it, but over time it will grow. If you start it early, that mailing list will be there right when you need it.
I’m not kidding, I know what you are thinking, but it works. Some guys, generally, have an issue with Pinterest, but it has a large user base, and many are willing to pin and repin
- Post with us
Yes, we promote literary magazines. We are happy to help. You can list your magazine here, and you can do a call for submissions and other announcements here.
- Ads
Yes, ads in high target areas really help. We do cheap media blitz for Literary Magazines, but I recommend any site where you feel your target audience frequents.
- Email signature
This is silly, simply but it really works. Put links in the signature of your email right now, and you wouldn’t believe how many people you will get looking at your site. Plus it makes it easier for them.
- Ground game
As much as you can, get a ground game going. This is flyers at local coffee shops and universities, postcards, anywhere where you know people will see it….Chinese Restaurants…..anywhere….
So here are a few quick and easy things to do to promote your publication. You’ve worked hard on it. You’ve spend hours reading, writing for it. Now make sure people read it! I hope this helps to promote your literary magazine!
Please remember to send us updates. Have you published a new issue or are you running a contest: Submit your site. Post or repost your publication and it will be sent out to over 10,000 of our friends. We want to know what’s going on with you and your works.? We promote writers, writing, and editors, always! If you want to advertise with us, please email eds [at]everywritersresource.com
For over 26 years, EveryWriter has been a cornerstone of the literary community, dedicated to connecting writers with publishing opportunities. We’ve meticulously curated comprehensive listings of literary magazines and book publishers, helping thousands of writers achieve their publishing goals. EveryWriter has had the privilege of interviewing and publishing Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, and pioneered industry-standard metrics like our renowned “Top 50 Literary Magazines” list, setting a new benchmark for quality resources on the web.
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