The Scented Flower
From the Editor
The Scented Flower is a literary magazine written for and by people who live in a communitarian setting. However, through excellent writing and story-telling, we believe our publication will appeal to the general public. The original Scented Flower was born almost two decades as a small in-house magazine that told bizarre tales about insane visitors who came to live and work on our small community farm. That magazine served as the genesis for what we now hope to create. We are open to a wide range of eclectic writing, from satire to serious, both fiction and non-fiction. You need not live in a commune to find enjoyment on our pages. We will publish short stories, articles, book reviews, and poetry. Much of the content will revolve around the insanity of living at a fledgling intentional community during the 1990’s. We will consider submissions of excellent literary quality on any subject. Our only stipulation is that all submissions must have and underlying community theme. It doesn’t have to be overt; for example, a story about a pack of dogs or a family would meet our criteria.
Short stories to 3500 words, articles to 2000 words, book reviews to 1000 words, and poems of any length. Also black and white artwork and illustrations.
Editors Name Michael Baxter
Print publication? Yes
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 2 months
How often do you publish? Quarterly
Year Founded? 2014
Do you pay? Contributor Copies
Mailing Address:
Michael Baxter, Editor
The Scented Flower
7295 Fish House Road
Galway, NY 12074
Please note: Our email address has changed Correct address is :
Thank you
I would like to send you my short stories and poems
thank you
sandra o
Sandra, you can find submission guidelines and information on our website.
How can i send you poems and other sources you have.