Slightly Foxed
From the Editor:
In case you haven’t come across it, Slightly Foxed is a rather different kind of book review more like a bookish friend, really, than a literary periodical. Companionable and unstuffy, each quarter it offers 96 pages of personal recommendations for books of lasting interest, old and new the kind of good reads you knew you were looking for but somehow haven’t been able to find. It’s an eclectic mix, covering all the main categories of fiction and non-fiction, and our contributors are an eclectic bunch too. Some of them are names you’ll have heard of, some not, but they all write thoughtfully, elegantly and entertainingly.
From the site:
The independent-minded quarterly that combines good looks, good writing and a personal approach. Slightly Foxed introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. Good-humoured, unpretentious and a bit eccentric, it’s more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine.
Writing for Slightly Foxed is rather different from writing for other book pages and periodicals. First of all, the books we feature aren’t the latest publications or big sellers. We’re interested in books fiction or non-fiction, sometimes out of print that have somehow slipped from notice but which have meant something to the people who write about them. They don’t have to be classics, just good reads, we’re not snobbish we’ve had a piece on Georgette Heyer as well as one on Homer. Slightly Foxed covers all genres of fiction and non-fiction including poetry and short story collections we even once published a piece on the literary operating instructions for The British Seagull Outboard Motor. We also regularly have pieces on libraries, bookshops, printing, binding and all sorts of other bookish things. Our pieces are personal not standing-back-and-making-a-judgement kind of pieces, but ones that communicate the contributor’s own interest in and enthusiasm for the book. We hate lit. crit. speak and love clear, unpretentious writing. Above all we want to hear your voice and share your experience of finding and reading the book you choose, whether it’s humorous or sad. We have a wide cross-section of contributors’ some you will probably already have heard of and others you won’t people who write well but whose occupations have nothing to do with the literary world. We hope you’ll soon be joining them.
From the site:
We welcome submissions from all would-be contributors.
If you are thinking of writing something for Slightly Foxed we will be happy to consider it, but do please note:
• You should check our index first to make sure we haven’t already covered your chosen book
Please check their guidelines before submitting:
New issue out March 2023: Margaret Drabble visits old New York with Edith Wharton • Daisy Hay gets political with Anthony Trollope • Jim Crumley follows Neil Gunn up-river • Miranda Seymour unearths a buried past with Georgina Harding • Anthony Wells discovers the hybrid life of Katrin FitzHerbert • Sue Gee pursues the poetry of Rosemary Tonks • Suzi Feay is introduced to Hadrian the Seventh • Martin Sorrell nearly has hysterix, and much more besides . . .
Twitter: FoxedQuarterly
Facebook: FoxedQuarterly
Editor: Gail Pirkis & Hazel Wood
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: Slightly Foxed Ltd. 67 Dickinson Court Brewhouse Yard LONDON EC1V 4JX
Circulation: 8,000
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time Within 3-5 working days
Publishes: Quarterly
Year Founded: 2004
Online Submissions? Yes
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