SoFloPoJo- South Florida Poertry Journal
From the Editor
We publish quarterly – poetry from all over the world- living in or writing about Florida is NOT a requirement. We want lyrical, mystical, magical, whimsical, finely crafted poems, pantoums and villanelles, prose-poems, “voices from the fierce, intangible world”. Send us your BEST work in any form. We also publish Art, Photography, and Video performance. We are home to the monthly Interview With A Poet- 5 Questions, 3 Poets, Each Month. In our electronic pages you’ll find Denise Duhamel, Jim Daniels, Dorianne Laux, Michael Hettich, Maureen Seaton, Terese Svoboda, Linda Nemec Foster, Lola Haskins, Judith Berke, Sylvia Curbelo, Peter Meinke, Richard Kostelanetz, Alan Catlin, Allan Peterson, Alex Cigale, Bruce Weber, George Wallace and Julie Marie Wade. PLEASE see Guidelines before sending work.
Poetry: 3-5 poems preferably in Times New Roman. Please do NOT bold, center, or capitalize titles of poems. We prefer lines left-justified, but if you must place lines in the center of the piece or stagger them on the page we will TRY to make that work- the website formatting is not kind to non-traditional lay-outs. Please keep bios brief- we do cut them down. Names of literary journals your work has appeared in should be italicized, names of poems in quotes. Please submit a cover letter telling us where you live and how you heard about us. Please read SoFloPoJo before submitting- it’s free- to get an idea of what we like. We use a blind reading process. Your work will be read by a minimum of 2-3 editors, sometimes more, who give a thumb up or down. The final decision is made by the editor for that issue. There is a different editor for each issue (until we go through all 12 editors on staff). Please do NOT send revisions after your poem had been accepted. We will not consider changes. SEND POEMS IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL. Use attachments only if you’re sending a prose-poem. Remember the formatting of our website may not accommodate exact line breaks for prose-poems and other types of lay-outs.
ART, PHOTOGRPAHY AND VIDEO: Please query first- do not send without corresponding with us. WE NEED PERFORMANCE VIDEOS! Query Managing Editor Michael Mackin O’Mara at
Interview With A Poet is monthly though the journal is quarterly. Please query first-
SoFloPoJo has partnered with Florida Center for the Book. We present book signings and open mic readings at Broward Main Library in Fort lauderdale. Denise Duhamel debuted her new book Scald along with Barbra Nightingale who read from her new book Alphalexia in February 2017.
We also partner with Miami Book Fair, interviewing poets such as Kim Addonizio, Denise Duhamel and Jen Karetnick. You can check out those video interviews at our website-
SoFloPojo also partners with the Palm Beach Poetry Festival presenting videos from their events.
SoFloPoJo’s YouTube channel features video performances by SoFloPoJo poets.
Editors Name Lenny DellaRocca and Michael Mackin O’mara
Print publication? No
Circulation 3,000
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 1-3 months
How often do you publish? Quarterly
Year Founded? 2015
Do you pay? No
Mailing Address:
2660 SW 22 Ave
Suite 1204
Delray Bech, FL 33445
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