Soundings East
From the Editor
Soundings East is the literary journal of Salem State University, published annually with support from the Center for Creative and Performing Arts. Founded in 1973, the journal is edited by upper-level creative students under the aegis of an advisory editor from the writing faculty. Soundings East publishes poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction. Soundings East is dedicated to publishing high-quality literature. Submissions from across the country are submitted and reviewed for publication. The magazine is distributed nationally, with recent press runs of 750 copies.
Submissions for Volume 37 will be read between September 1, 2014 and April 1, 2015. Prose submissions (fiction and non-fiction) should not exceed 10,000 words. Please address these to either the fiction editor or the non-fiction editor. Poetry of any style is welcomed, but please limit submissions to five pieces or fewer, addressed to the poetry editor. Include contact information and a brief biographical note. All publication rights revert to authors. Soundings East will return hard copies if accompanied by a stamped and self-addressed return envelope.
Editors Name J.D. Scrimgeour, Advisory Editor; Laura Smith, Managine Editor; Amanda Mark, Fiction Editor; Susan Walker, Fiction Editor; Lauren Merritt, Nonfiction Editor; M.P. Carver, Poetry Editor
Print publication? Yes
Circulation 750
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 2-3 months
How often do you publish? Once a year
Year Founded? 1973
Do you pay? No– Published authors receive two copies
Mailing Address:
Soundings East
Department of English
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970
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