Speculative 66
From the Editor
Born September 6th, 2016, Speculative 66 is a (mostly) monthly journal of 66-word stories and poems from the speculative realm. We feature science fiction, horror, fantasy, noir and the indefinable. The 66-word constraint doesn’t stop our writers from creating prose that tells big stories and truths. Each month (excluding December) we publish between ten and twenty micro stories and poems.
We seek work that stretches the possibilities of 66 words. We publish micro fiction and poetry that inspires envy and break hearts. We enjoy scaring readers into sleeping with the lights on. Send us universes in raindrops, magical realism, dragons that slay, potions and toadstools, spaceships, other dimensions, grit and butterfly wings, alternate history, and the indefinable.
Our aim is to create collaborative works of art with our writers. We treat each piece with care and promote our writers to the best of our abilities. Our contributors are all part of our internet family and we retweet and spread mentions like proud Mommas.
Speaking of Mommas—Speculative 66 is a Mom and Pop (and sometimes Auntie) organization. L.L. Madrid handles the words and Jason Palmieri is in charge of the images. Sometimes we get super lucky and Lora Rivera records audio versions of selected tales. You can listen to them on our website or at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_knm-phauwJ1UR_DNp-e-w.
The writing life is hard and we know what it’s like to constantly check email and refresh Duotrope and The Submissions Grinder. So we respond as quickly as humanly possible, often in the same day. When we decline a piece we always send a personal response with hopes that we hear from the writer in the near future.
What will you conjure in 66-words?
-66 Words, Endless Possibilities-
Seeking micro stories and poetry from the speculative realm. Send prose or poetry at 66 words. No more, no less.
We like to be surprised.
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are welcome.
Our next issue will be out on February 6th, we’ll be accepting submissions until January 31st. If you miss the deadline–no worries–there’s always the next issue.
Editors Name L.L. Madrid
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL Submissions Guidelines
Approx. Response Time? Typically 2-3 days. 2 weeks maximum.
How often do you publish? Monthly
Year Founded? 2016
Do you pay? no
Twitter @Speculative_66
Mailing Address:
Email speculative66@gmail.com
Facebook Speculative 66 Facebook
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