Spoke Journal
Information about your publication:
Spoke is a literary, art, and audio publication cultivating an outlet for original and finely crafted ideas. Art originates in process, the interaction between ideas and environment. What is this environment, this place? What is its art, its identity?
What type of submissions are you looking for?:
Poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, interviews, investigative journalism, fairy-tales, fictional confections, everyday experiences, intellectual manifestos, wanted ads, wish-lists, recycled content, adventure stories, adlibs?or anything else. Length is your decision. Please attach your work as a .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, or .rtf file and email to submissions@spokejournal.com.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests: The current theme is Signal / Noise. The submission deadline is June 15. For information regarding submissions, see { What to Submit } on our website. Create what you like; some tributaries are available at.
Let me know if you need any updates to the submission form details. I’ve filled it out to the best of my ability based on the information provided.
Twitter: ?
Facebook: facebook.com/spokaneis
Editors Name: ?
Print publication?: Yes
Mailing Address:
Email: submissions@spokejournal.com
Submission Guidelines URL:
Approx. Response Time?: 4-6 weeks
How often do you publish?: Three time a year
Year Founded?: 2011
Do you take online submissions?: Yes
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