Spry Literary Journal
Twitter: @sprylit
Facebook: http://facebook.com/sprylit
Website: http://sprylit.com
Editors Name: Erin A. Corriveau and Linsey Morse
Print publication?: No
Mailing Address:
Email: editors@sprylit.com
Submission Guidelines URL:
Approx. Response Time?: 3-4 months (but usually much less!)
How often do you publish?: Twice a year
Year Founded?: 2012
Do you take online submissions?: Yes
From the publication:
We envision Spry as a literary journal that features undiscovered and established writers’ concise, experimental, hybrid, modern, vintage or just plain vulnerable writing. We see this as a place for people who excel at taking risks, who thrive under pressure – for people whose words and rhythms are spry.
We ask for:
Creative Nonfiction –2500 word limit
Fiction –2500 word limit
Poetry –5 poem limit Please submit multiple poems in one document
Flash –This can fall under any genre
750 word limit per piece
3 pieces per submitter Please submit multiple pieces in one document