The Blue Mountain Review
About the Publication
The Blue Mountain Review stands as a distinguished literary journal launched in 2015 seeking to platform impactful stories told across mediums. As a magazine promoting arts and culture, the core philosophy recognizes in original poetry, prose, music and visual arts the profound capacity to capture the human spirit. Through an expansive curatorial lens, submissions are reviewed year-round embracing diverse voices and visionary perspectives. Contest winners and promising creators are published digitally and in a premium print edition.
Imaginative submissions across all visual and written art forms are welcomed, however special priority will be given to works exhibiting universal resonance through authentic emotional storytelling paired with technical mastery. Written submissions should surprise, awaken wonder or forge connections through bold expressions of the human condition. Visual art should demonstrate creativity honed by a dynamic composition and skillful technique.
Editors Name: Clifford Brooks
Print publication?: Yes
Circulation: 1,000
Do you take online submissions?: Yes
Submission Guidelines URL:
Approx Response Time?: 4 weeks
How often do you publish?: Quarterly
Year Founded?: 2015
Do you pay?: Payment in copies
Mailing Address:
The Blue Mountain Review
PO Box 49291
Athens, GA 30604
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