Florida Review
From the Editor
Welcome Welcome to The Florida Review, the literary journal published twice yearly by the University of Central Florida. Our artistic mission is to publish the best poetry and prose written by the world’s most exciting emerging and established writers. Our thanks to all those who have submitted, subscribed, donated, read and supported FR. Our winter issue received two Pushcart Award nominations and features great new fiction by Kevin Allardice, Robin Kish, and Mark Wisniewski, poetry by Aime Baker, Denise Duhamel, and Tony Hoagland, and nonfiction by Tracy Seeley, Maureen P. Stanton, and Baron Wormser, and more. This year, we’ve also included a wonderful graphic narrative by Kelly Clancy. And look for our interview with Terese Svoboda, and three book reviews. Karen Brown was presented with the prestigious O. Henry Award for her short story “Isabel’s Daughter” printed in the Spring 2007 (32.1) issue of The Florida Review. “Isabel’s Daughter” will appear in the PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009 anthology.
–Prose– We enjoy fiction and creative nonfiction of high quality?stories that aren’t afraid to take risks. We aren’t especially interested in genre fiction, although good stories and essays transcend genre. We welcome experimental work. We also consider short short stories and novel excerpts provided they stand alone. Please submit only one short story or essay at a time. We will also read up to three short short stories, as long as the total page count remains under 15 pages. –Poetry– We look for clear, strong poems, filled with real people, emotions and objects. We welcome formal verse but prefer poems in which form is secondary to content. Please include page breaks between poems, and submit no more than five poems at one time. –Visual Art– Visual artists are encouraged to submit two-dimensional works in any medium for a color cover or black and white spread within the magazine. Submissions may be sent as paper photographs or on a CD-ROM or via web link, but we will not open any e-mail attachments. If sent in manuscript form, submissions may be addressed to “Media Editors.” –Graphic Narratives– The Florida Review is now interested in graphic narratives. We look for graphic narratives that show both artistic and literary merit. Graphic narratives are printed in black and white. Submissions may be sent in manuscript form, addressed to “Media Editors.”
Information on Contests:
The Florida Review’s 2010 Editors’ Awards contest will be announced on its website www.flreview.com The Florida Review’s 2009 Editors’ Awards winners will be announced soon! 2008 Editors’ Awards Winners [read an excerpt on our website: http://floridareview.cah.ucf.edu/current.php] * Julie Lekstrom Himes o Packing Boxes * Maya Jewell Zeller o Astoria o Mascara * Farnoosh Moshiri o Walking on Thorns
Editor: Dr. Jocelyn Bartkevicius
Print Magazine? Yes
Mailing Address: The Florida Review Department of English PO BOX 161346 Orlando, FL 32816
Email: flreview@mail.ucf.edu
Circulation: 1,000
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 4 months
Publishes: Bi-annual (Summer/Winter schedule)
Year Founded: 1972

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